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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. The lovely Ms. Reed has just been on. Off to change my monkey-mess filled pants
  2. Courtesy of Dragonfilet. See the Man City thread.
  3. I've put it on my Facebook along with this quote- Mancini: A thousand nations of the Manc mackem empire descend upon you. Our crosses will blot out the sun! Sameobinidas: Then we will fight in the shade!
  4. Fucking Quality that Dragonfilet Mind if I try it as my avatar?
  5. 30 years after her "accidental" death, the investigation is to be reopened after the ships captain claims to have lied about events to the original investigation. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/celebritynews/8899338/Natalie-Wood-investigation-reopened-after-yacht-captain-says-he-lied.html Looks like Robert Wagner is chief suspect, which makes the opening narration to Hart to Hart a bit creepy, on a Parky stylee. "This is my boss, Jonathan Hart - a self-made millionaire. He's quite a guy. This is Mrs. H. She's gorgeous. She's one lady who knows how to take care of herself. By the way, my name is Max. I take care of *both* of them, which ain't easy; 'cause when they met... it was *murder!" Btw, Natalie Wood
  6. Europe [and the UK] was far better off before we imported all these assorted spongers from all over the world and had a lower population. and in case you missed it the first time Leazes would settle immigration with a handshake Europe [and the UK] was far better off before we imported all these assorted spongers from all over the world and had a lower population. Sweet David FYP. Anyway, lets see if we can nail this down. In terms of this elastic band here, how tight are things likely to get? My concern is that when it all goes tits up and the banks start repossessing etc, there is nowhere near enough social housing to cope with the numbers of families who'll find themselves homeless. And, thanks to Dave and chums, there are now nowhere near enough staff to deal with the homeless. Scary shit tbh.
  7. Guess what I'm "watching" this evening then? Cheers Catmag, The Wank Bank is in your debt
  8. That page should be linked to this one http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Hutchence
  9. Just watched Susanna milfing up Breakfast news. Gets me up in the morning
  10. He's only meant to have holes in his hands and feet
  11. Sammi's got a right gurn on.
  12. Red and White ties ??? Have a word Ameobis
  13. How can you tell that? Papa A is sitting down, nein?
  14. Better off with his sis ( the unfortunately named Titi ), 60m in 7.9 sec. Puts Foluwasherla to shame
  15. Reunion on the cards btw. Sabbath, not The Ameobi 3 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/rockandpopfeatures/8894929/Black-Sabbath-reunion-the-signs-are-good.html
  16. I'd love to see Blatter go round calling people niggers then try and shake their hands mind. I'm still dumbstruck by his suggestion that women footballers should wear beach volleyball style kits- how a surefire winning idea like that isn't The Law I'll never know
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