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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Nice bod an that, but what is going on with her mug in the first pic? Palsy porn?
  2. Quite , quite brilliant. Haven't read through that one yet but does anyone have a link to that one SLP posted ages ago where the guy was getting the scammers to take photos of themselves with red circles around their nipples etc to prove their authenticity The guy in the one above tells the scammers he works for a company that is completing 8 yrs of research in handwriting recognition software, and will pay $100 per A4 sheet of handwriting scanned and sent to him, scammer takes the bait and is sent Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets to copy out (293 pages worth ). Scammer falls for it and sends all 293 pages of handwriting, to then be told to get to fuck
  3. Quite , quite brilliant.
  4. Greetings Dearest Brian Lew, I am The Official Baristo of Mr. Brock Manson, the proposal you are having graciously make to my client appears to my humblest opinions to be a parcel of shite. Please accept, on behalf of Mr. Manson, my warmest encouragement as you attempt to procreate with yourself Loving Felicitations Tigersmile Djemba Djemba Churchill QC (Sherry).
  5. Second one. I asked if it was diet related, or dehydration, but it seems not ( in my case anyway). Wouldn't wish it on anyone, Fatman & Dekka aside. I feel absolutely knackered now like.
  6. Mightily relieved, having just pissed a kidney stone. The bloody thing announced its presence at about 2am this morning , and I've been biting pillows since.
  7. The man's a fucking tool His latest exploits here
  8. So you watched it then - chav cu…
  9. This has just been on QI- premature babies as a sideshow. http://www.neonatology.org/pinups/coneyislandnurses.html Not as sick as it sounds
  10. Krulzilla.… @yourcervix has his next challenge.
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