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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. The Toxic Takeaway on Delaval rd? Still proudly helping its customers lose weight.
  2. Me dads side probably will have done too. They lived in the Dwellings just on City Road, down from Pandon Bank, up till about 1940 for about three or four generations apparently. Is that Garth Heads Student flats? Just checked back on the census and I was mistaken- my ancestors lived in Trafalgar St. on the 1861 census, in 1851 they're listed as living on New Road , All Saints. New Road was the old name for City Road, so you never know, they may have been neighbours. Do you know the name of your dads ancestors? I'll see if I can find them on the census.
  3. Awaits hoying oot time for this thread to go pyramid.
  4. I presume you haven't clapped eyes on Miss Kelly's angry growler then Deaders? http://img162.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=06238_Lorraine_Kelly_Exposed_122_623lo.jpg Never seen the fascination with the shovel faced porridge wog , personally, but each to their own.
  5. Thought this thread had sunk like its subject
  6. What's it now then? It was deconsecrated in 1961, but is still used for Services by Church of Saint Willibrord with All Saints,whoever the feck they are.
  7. I've known about the fire for years, but recently been doing some family history, this thread has made me realise that my great great great grandparents would have almost definatly witnessed this, as they are listed in the 1851 census as living in Trafalgar St, All Saints, and would have certainly been affected by it.
  8. It's an unusual church as it's elliptical (or round to us plebs )
  9. I've scanned a few pics you might like Stevie- the first two are the Quayside pre-explosion, the second two are taken 7/10/1854, the day after the blast. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us The 2nd and 3rd pics are of the same part of the Quayside, The Guildhall is on the left, what is now the bottom of Dean St. is to its right. The building which is still standing, centre of the pic, is about where the north tower of the Tyne Bridge stands, with Chase bar behind it. The Church in both is All Saints church, which is now to the East of the Bridge The pics above are from a book I have by Frank Manders called "Newcastle Upon Tyne- A Selection of the Earliest Photographs" Found a couple more on tinterweb You might also like this post from skyscrapercity forum; http://www.skyscrape...&postcount=1232
  10. I was down Liverpool last week as it happens, went into Subway at lunchtime as I was starving and asked for their most expensive sub.......
  11. I did. Headed down around 6am, where they gave me some painkillers ( not Morphine like, the stingy shithouses). That, and passing it , did the trick. I was back grafting at 10.30. Nails.
  12. Was really busy this morning so I killed two birds with one stone. Fucking love Sharia Law.
  13. take a closer look, its not Aye, sorry lads. Just looked at her face now, it's not.
  14. It's Katy Perry man Deaders, you daft bulls knacker.
  15. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garrote Bloody Hell! I thought it was just bulls and donkeys they were brutal to.
  16. Hasn't he just changed jobs recently though?
  17. Makes him look camp as Butlins
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