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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Not true. My granddad, Scottish catholic, converted to marry my grandma. My understanding is that "Jewishness" goes through the maternal line , so a Gentile man can marry a Jewish woman, and so long as he converts the kids are fully Jewish. My aunt married my uncle who is Jewish , and it took a good few years of study, and an appeal to the Uk Chief Rabbi , for her to be accepted as a Jewish convert, all so that their kids could be classed as Jewish. Funny thing is, she's now more Jewish than him, observing the holy days and food laws , while he still necks bacon butties and king prawns like there's no tommorow
  2. Part of the problem Holocaust Memorial Day suffers from is the ridiculous political bickering around it. The MCB have boycotted/supported/boycotted it off and on since it's inception over Palestine, Gay holocaust victims, Armenia etc etc. All dilutes the point of it, which no same person can really dispute.
  3. My uncle was married to Lionel Jacobson's daughter, who owned Jacksons Put that in your connection pipe and smoke it
  4. On a local level, I'd say it's down to parental influence. Everyone's Dad will have bought a ropey suit from Jackson the Tailors, and still be seething about it.
  5. It must've stood empty for a while before the fire then Gene? Or was it still trading as Stereo when it went up?
  6. It's a burnt out shell now Alex. Insurance job I reckon, as it's been like that for a year or two at least. And you're right, when it became the Fog & Firkin it was ruined. Like putting implants in Salma.
  7. Does your Dad know anything about the Walker Weeping Madonna? http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_6783/is_2010_Sept_9/ai_n55152334/ And Stevie, your sister's probably right, it was an excellent pub when it was the Barley Mow.
  8. Walker heritage, from Burradon. Explains alot, that, Alex
  9. " How man, the bairns are sleeping, turn that fucking horse down!" When did they live there Alex? Have you any idea when it changed from being run by the Dwellings Co. Pal of mine lived there in the late 80s when she was at Uni. It's an amazing little patch of concentrated history there mind, The Keelmans Hospital beside it dates back to the 1700s ( went to several parties there post-Barley Mow in my youth), and Sallyport Tower has a very varied history, the lower part of it is supposedly Roman. It's also believed that the Roman Wall runs beneath The Dwellings.
  10. Right back apparently. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mapou_Yanga-Mbiwa
  11. I look like Neil Oliver ? The Dwellings at Garth Heads were built in 1869 and extended in 1878 by The Newcastle Upon Tyne Improved Industrial Dwelling Co.Ltd. so if your family lived there for 4 generations going back from the 1940s, it would probably have been your great x2 grandparents who moved there. They were built to house the workers from various nearby industries and business, and were seen at the time as examples of benevolence from owners to workers. In reality, although the workers benefitted from improved accommodation, they were in effect tied workers- they would lose their home if they left their job, and were easily monitored by their employers re. sickness and absenteeism. I'm guessing that at some point in the early 20thC they were taken over by the council, but I'm not sure when exactly.
  12. is this what Newcastle Online is like these days I Nah, its too sterile. Give me argy-bargy any day of the week. Tbf, loads of posters on there share your views. you mean, they realise that when they all disagreed with me, and banned me for it, I was right all along ?
  13. Christmas Tree, lurking as we bicker. You insane old goat.
  14. Deaders setting a reminder on his TV for 8.30am tomorrow for a furious fap-fest.
  15. No idea what you mean Wordy, explain?
  16. The Toxic Takeaway on Delaval rd? Still proudly helping its customers lose weight.
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