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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. But then he'd be out of a job, and you'd hate him even more for being a benefit scrounger.
  2. Surely not Steven That's clearly a genuine one
  3. I'll have a shit Rob Lee over a fit Dyer any day.
  4. And i'm having Rob Lee over Dyer in the original list
  5. Did Perez ever play a senior game for us? Don't think he did
  6. In fairness , yesterday 99.9% of them were as thoroughly shocked and saddened as everybody else. Just takes a few knackers like the ones above ,though, to stick in the memory
  7. Freddie the Dolphin farted and caused a Tsunami? Paul Wyn fell off the Shields Ferry? (Why the Steve Kean ava Stevie?)
  8. tbh I don't want to know 'the facts'. They should remain what they always should have been. Entirely private. The only people who need to know what has gone on are his immediate family so they can have closure and the coroner for obvious reasons. The rest of us should simply remember what a truly gifted footballer he was and and even better human being and let him rest in peace. I would like to know (as a simple matter of fact) whether there was a tabloid story about to break on him. I don't want to know any of the details of that story at all, but I'd like to know if it was a factor. People have personal choice, and it was his personal choice to take his life, so I'd never go as far to say a tabloid is directly responsible for something like this, but if it was a factor I do want that to be known as they are the scum of the earth and theres never been a better time in recent history (phone hacking climate) to change journalistic practices for ever. I don't want Gary's private life to be a vehicle for it, just something that gives legitimate standing to ask the question in the first place. We're a fucking hopelessly gossip/celeb obsessed country (mainly female driven it has to be said), but a lot of it offends against our decency as a society these days. If (very very big if) there was any truth that a paper had been onto him, I'd want that exposed and his death to at least have that positive outcome. I agree with your point here- if a tabloid was a factor in him choosing to die, I'd want to know. so that they can be exposed for the scum that they are. But, for that to happen, any story they were going to print would almost inevitably come out.
  9. No great change then... Underwear , maybe...
  10. W Called Riverside nuw. Last neet MF. The water came up to the bottom of the Cooperage apparently. Wow, heard nowt about it, bar on here of course. That's a pretty major rise in water level, I don't recall it humping down significanlty enough to cause that. Did they release water from Kielder, but fuck it up?
  11. No worries lads Agree with Alex's post mind. Still can't get me head around how upsetting this is.
  12. No disrespect intended here in the least. I was struggling to make any sense of it, and still am tbh. All correct though, I'll make no more comments in that regard.
  13. It's Mrs. Gemmill I feel sorry for. Congratulations mate.
  14. If that's the case, the "journalist" involved wants to have a long , hard look at themselves, as they've been directly responsible for a man taking his life. I'm assuming it was NOTW.
  15. The only cases I've heard of where people hang themselves without intending to kill themselves have all involved auto-erotic asphyxiation. Aye, me too.
  16. You're not alone in thinking along those lines Ant Given the " out of the blue" nature every comment on it by those who were close to him over the course of the day, I've wondered if it wasn't a horrible accident, a hanging, but not intending to kill himself. In a way, I hope this turns out to be the case, as at least his wife kids will know he didn't leave them intentionally.
  17. Happy with that. A penalty at The Ground Where (Added) Time Stands Still - rarer than hens teeth. Is rarer even a word?
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