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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Bruce loses job on last day of November 1st Dec; Fenwicks need red-faced, white haired fat bastard , fond of wearing red and white with gargantuan capacity for alcohol. Coincidence ?
  2. He'll be carried out of the place covered in piss I reckon Not all of it his own either.
  3. Pedobear is laughing like a bastard
  4. The EU is on the brink - protectionism in the aftermath. Far right groups on the increase - Nationalist Government somewhere in Europe after the above break up. Fascism- see above World War- Aren't we already fighting a global " War on Tourism"© Bush Happy days are here again
  5. Thing is Tecato, the "minutes applause" , to my understandinf, is meant to be a celebration of the life of the person. Whilst I'm not suggesting his isn't worthy of celebration , I don't think the mood anywhere on Saturday will be particularly celebratory. A silent stadium , to me, is more fitting on this occasion. As I said before, after the minute, I'd expect to hear his name sung from each and every person. But that is just my opinion.
  6. I also think in this case, a minutes silence would be more fitting. Sing his name afterwards.
  7. Just read this from Shearer. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/wales/8921461/Gary-Speeds-death-has-left-me-helpless-and-I-dont-know-what-to-do-says-devastated-Alan-Shearer.html
  8. That bottom one is faker than Jordan
  9. But then he'd be out of a job, and you'd hate him even more for being a benefit scrounger. na he can go on benefits for all i care hes nothing but a rich faggot ass cunterhead who thinks hes the bees and ees of everything he thinks because hes a footballer and plays for chelsea and england he can get away with out. i smell a catchphrase
  10. Three in the yes camp- it's nee sitter/stander debate tbf
  11. Can it not find its way into your case, accidentally and that?
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