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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Watched it the other night , love stuff like this. Really shows how unbelievably hard the tunnelling must've been.
  2. Beggars belief this, hope the little lad survives. Still not in favour of the death penalty though. Two wrongs don't make a right.
  3. Calling International Rescue- One of your members is in mortal peril! (Gemmill at 0.56)
  4. Marriage, the great emasculator.
  5. Good things come to those who Waits, Fishy
  6. My cups have been spilling over for years tbh.. Just seen this. Thank you, and goodnight. Only just noticed the little poo coming out of that smilie. Top detail!
  7. 4 cans of lager, a chicken and a fishing rod.
  8. "Neighbours, Everybody needs good neighbours With a little understanding You can find the perfect blend Neighbours...should be there for one another That's when good neighbours become good friends Ooh Neighbours, should be there for one another That's when good neighbours become good friends. " Oh the bitter irony
  9. His band upped the tempo last time they played Superstitious. Nearly broke his fucking neck.
  10. He played on the Senior Tennis Circuit last year Endless Love
  11. Hats off to her for wanting to be there ( and Leeds). Would've been the easiest thing in the world to just stay at home and shut off the world for a while. Hope it helps her and her boys.
  12. Christmas night out sorted for 17th, off for three weeks from 16th dec.
  13. I've always subscribed to the belief that tea simply must be taken from a cup & saucer, so I'm happy to see this sterling work being done by our republican brethren.
  14. Wait til the Christmas party Wiki, then smash her back doors in, angrily. M. Fist - Workplace Arbitration Consultant extraordinaire.
  15. This hasn't got nearly enough love. Excellent reference. Aye. It's off Babe isn't it? Monkey Magic, daft lad
  16. Aye, how long before the six fingered masses turn on their 'earoah? Looking forward to their banners- " OhN'eel Out!"
  17. They used to back their project managers in those days. I blame lemonade.
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