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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. About the PM shagging a pig? Aye, wonder how long before it's copycatted, (if such a word even exists) I thought it was interesting commentary and had some genuinely funny moments. Wor lass pretty much despised the whole thing and felt nauseous for half an hour afterwards. Result. I thought the scenes where people were gathered around TVs in pubs and hospitals was a bit unlikely, but the reactions of those watching , once he got amongst it, were what I'd hope would happen. So, if it happened to Cameron, would you watch?
  2. My wife's cousin has epilepsy, severe enough to bar him from driving etc, which is controlled by medication. He has a very highly placed job developing growth strategy for several local authorities. However, even though he and Deaders both have the same ailment, his ability to work doesn't mean Deaders can. The severity of the epilepsy, and strength of medication needed to control it , can have vastly different effects on different people. I think Deaders is on record saying he also has learning difficulties, this is also fairly common amongst epilepsy sufferers. Basically, just because you know someone with epilepsy who can work, doesn't necessarily mean that Deaders can.
  3. Monkeys Fist


    Seats a bit sticky are they?
  4. Monkeys Fist


    Which cinema sells Hummus and Leek and Potato like
  5. About the PM shagging a pig? Aye, wonder how long before it's copycatted, (if such a word even exists)
  6. tbf to Ewerk, the bait needed for a bite from Leazes makes plankton look massive. Ewerk was having a bit piss take, Leazes jumped in with all guns blazing (see above).
  7. and what do cowards who blow up innocent civilians in shopping centres read ? because someone mentioned politics ? I'll give you a clue, it wasn't me Aye, righto.
  8. How can a thread about Louise Taylor calling SJP that other name get onto IRA bombers and racist tram women? In less than a pageā€¦ MENCAP.
  9. normal service is resumed. Self-parody Leazes, like it.
  10. I understand the meaning of hypocrisy perfectly well thanks. What I don't understand is YOur utter inability to answer a very simple question, but then I'm really not surprised as YOu're thick as mince. As well as becoming utterly predictable and boring.
  11. where have I gave my views on what this woman has said ? What has that got to do with the question you've quoted- "Who said the hecklers weren't racist?" Answer that simple question and we'll move along nicely. And I don't really care what your views are about Tram Woman are.
  12. What hypocrisy? Who said they (the hecklers etc) weren't racist?
  13. Upload it to here Kevin, http://tinypic.com/
  14. Get a job please - you layabout Remind me, where is it you work GrumpyWordMag?
  15. Don't worry, I've not done a Deano. I'll sort a donation out this week
  16. RIP Hard drinking, chain smoking, beardy Doctor of Medecine Legend.
  17. Looks like we're both bludging from the same page
  18. Couple of days ago I walked past the hotdogs in the supermarket and felt a tingle of panic. Yesterday , same thing, but I got the sweats started hyperventilating. Today, I was so scared I couldn't even go down the aisle. I fear the wurst.
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