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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. another derailed thread. It's actually the last word in the dictionary- thought you might like it you radge old bastard
  2. He might yet! One of my uncles was diagnosed 5-6 years ago with the same, he's been clear since treatment and is fighting fit
  3. I don't want to know what goes on in your kitchen when you make Spotted Dick
  4. He's areet had all his treatment and what not, just waiting for the chemo to stop working which will be about 3 weeks time, he gets a scan then the cancer in his bowel will be removed. It's spread no where like, but it's obviously still a major major worry. As I say to him literally every time I speak to him you don't beat it by feeling negative, positivity beats it, and determination fuck all else. Me mates mam had it too long before they treated it, she bravely fought for 2 years, but couldn't beat it. Loads of people I know have got cancer recently fucking awful disease, the worst, it even got Sir Bobby in the end. Hope it turns out well for your Dad Stevie
  5. Monkeys Fist


    May your day be filled with white stuff
  6. Buon Natale from Santa Monica
  7. Christmas Grime , Cameltoe and Wine. Braaaaap!
  8. Have some self-respect, man. Dappy Christmas!
  9. Used to do this in July every year when I worked abroad. The crack was you did small acts of kindness for week, then gave the gift at the end. One year, my Santa tidied my tent ( a mammoth task) left flowers, cold beer appeared from nowhere, there was a coffee by my bed every morning when I woke up. All excellent stuff. When the gift swap happened, turned out my Santa was a lad who I openly detested. I felt like a piece of shit.
  10. Uno's? Are you a 1990s footballer?
  11. You assume correctly. Share that shit, bumpiper.
  12. You got a daughter Lazarus? http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3701059/History-made-as-nipple-is-found-on-foot.html
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oto-CIKKNR8&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  14. Monroe Transfer Still one of the most inexplicable and worrying episodes I've seen on here. Monroe Transfer Monroe Transfer
  15. The Mrs. already stamping her authoritaaaay?
  16. Had some swordfish steaks marinating in teriyaki, chilli, garlic ginger and lime since last night. Just about to grill em now, steamed rice and green beans.
  17. My cousin works for SAB Miller, who own Haywards 5000, Bob.I've emailed her for a retailer and I'll let you know soon as she replies
  18. A bunch of squaddie's bints are expected to beat a bunch of x- factorites fame whores to Christmas no1 spot. Whoopee! In other news, I had a remarkably cohesive turd today.
  19. Who, Jan or Mrs Tooj? Either way, needs a beeatch slap.
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