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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I woke up suddenly last night , screaming “ Jesus tittyfucking Christ! My arsehole’s on fire!!” Mrs. F. said “ Ring Sting?” I said, through clenched teeth ” Ok, what’s his number?”
  2. This is exactly the answer I’d expected from sheeple like you. 😉
  3. You’d think the denpressure would have stopped it falling.
  4. Have you noticed the Creature from the Black Lagoon in this?
  5. Drove down Osbourne Road this afternoon and I was reminded of that bloke that designed the fjords in Norway. Absolute Sluttyblartfest.
  6. The irony being, as I’ve already noted, Newcastle council have never had to ask us to stop shitting in the streets.
  7. I’d usually make a cutting remark, but you’ve put some graft in to that. Take a bough.
  8. My apologies- didn’t realise you were a Trekkie. May the Force be with you.
  9. Hagler let everyone know what was coming with his first shot. Lovely bloke, fucking beast in the ring.
  10. Must be tough over there in Hobbiton hearing Gandalf has gone. Thoughts, prayers and Po-tay-toes.
  11. Marseille become one of our feeder clubs- no European games for them.
  12. Hagler - Hearns was one the greatest fights of all time, I’d say. Fucking insane. As for my rating. 1. Hagler 2. Hearns 3. Leonard 4. Duran
  13. You might be able to find the game on Saturday via one of these lot? https://worldsoccertalk.com/supporters-groups/newcastle-supporters-groups/
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