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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Wyki is my secret santa : http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?/topic/114-what-are-you-reading/page__view__findpost__p__1011421
  2. Anyone else get this? Opened new content page on my phone, and it was like this...
  3. She's all woman Tbh, it's too much sexy for one woman. I reckon she must have a growler like an angry walrus' nostril.
  4. Here's Christina Hendricks advertising… er whisky … or dresses… fireplaces mebbes?
  5. I've recently discovered 4 relatives-Great Uncles, Great Grandfathers, who fought at the Somme, 3 of them were killed on the first day, so my interest in this particular battle has been piqued. They're all on the Thiepval Memorial to the Lost, which I'd love to visit at some point.
  6. Think I'll be getting that- good shout. Its a fantastic book Monkey. If you PM me your address ill send you it. Small acts of random kindness - cheers Wykiki. Made my day that.
  7. You should get Miss Nemesis an alarm clock and a ball-gag, anonymously of course. Subliminal message and all that shit.
  8. Honestly, Leazes makes one innocuous mention of "bum chums" and the thread descends into consecutive posts of filth. Where's your standards, boys? I blame the upgrade. This kind of noncesense didn't happen on the old board. Reported myself.
  9. No Gemmill. Time you learned to stand-up wipe I reckon. Have a good one.
  10. If you can replace the father in this scene with Portillo, I will love you long time.
  11. She wants to stick with it- first thing she's done that made me chuckle.
  12. Is that the " comedian" Andi Osho, (who is a woman and Nigerian) on the couch there?
  13. Think I'll be getting that- good shout.
  14. I will be staggering around the city centre post match, beer goggles on, and no doubt flinging my shit at challengers to my status as troop daddy. I'm the short stocky bloke with a shaved head btw
  15. Congratulations to you and your Mrs. mate. Thought you might've called her Sheila, or Noelene, but Esther is a lovely name- she may grow up to be an organic chemist.
  16. Monkeys Fist


    All the best Wilson.
  17. Must admit, as a kid I never got diahorreah after sniffing Big Sis Fist's skiddy keks.
  18. Fish in the Hangover thread tomorrow- guaranteed Had some of this at the weekend, not too shabby…
  19. There's loads more of them on there. Best.Cartoon.Ever.
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