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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Hopes everyone's parents/grandparents recover quickly.
  2. Nice. Cullen Skink is a god amongst soups.
  3. My kids are so hyper right now a neutrino looks slow in comparison. If my 4yr doesn't piss herself I'll be amazed, as for 1yr old, he's just running round in circles , flapping his arms and honking with a huge grin on his face- Christmas Duck.
  4. Let them cool a bit CT. Aye Brock, saw them and various other rancid flavours. Bleurgh.
  5. CT spotted at Powerhouse.
  6. Taking family to see my nephew sing The Snowman at the Sage this morning. Then mayhem until they're in bed Have a good one everybody.
  7. Btw CT, make twice as many stated in the recipe. They are like sausage Pringles.
  8. I was fucking sweating watching that. aye, it was terrifying in places, I thought. I was sweating because of my previous evenings shenanigans.
  9. Enough to raise a sweat, but not leave splatter marks on the wall?
  10. I'll take that as a yes. Happy Overblown Capilalist Blowout btw mate. And all the best for 2012.
  11. You're talking utter nonsense man - the guy ran on the pitch (an offence on its own, especially as who knows what a pitch invader might have on them), and then launched himself into the keeper who defended himself by kicking the guy. but he assaulted the guy, isn't that a serious offence ? Do you not spot the difference either ? If someone randomly attacked you in the pub, how would you react? He'd tell them that he'd predicted the attack 5 years ago, and had been right all along.
  12. Some perm haired Trotskyist who drove round in BMW's and Jaguar's with the personalised plate 'DEG5Y' as I recall. Having a perm and driving around in personalised luxury cars being amongst the main tenets of Trotskyism. ah. A champagne Socialist. better than a brown ale Nazi Did he let you have a go on his wife?
  13. Shit news mate. Hope all goes well for the Old Man
  14. Unusually, the original had me laughing more than @YS's.
  15. Aye, me too. My final act of 2011 shall be filling my throat with hot sausage in your honour. Might even stick Mr. Trololo on too.
  16. He's one of these, but I don't know which is him http://m.bonhams.com/auctions/18944/lot/343/?page_anchor=ModuleRef2_lot_number%3D343%26ModuleRef2_module_instance_reference%3D2 I emailed Bonhams asking for a copy , they didn't have any but agreed to forward my details to the vendor, I'll wait and see if he gets in touch.
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