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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Time for Anti- Semitic joke #347. What's the difference between a fish and The Holocaust? You can't milk a fish
  2. Googled them earlier and saw that- daft bastards. Maybe they're trying to recoup their sponsor money by palming off used games as new, fuckers. Shame, I'd used them fairly regularly until a few years ago without any bother. Called in last week for the first time in a couple of years. Won't be using them again.
  3. Bought a new copy of FIFA 12 for pc for my nephew's Christmas present. He tried to play it today, entered the code for online registration, only to find its already registered. This means they've sold me a used disc as new, doesn't it? I've got the receipt which clearly states I bought it as " new", so I'm in there tomorrow to have a word and get it changed. Anyone ever had similar problems with them, and was it resolved?
  4. La di da Pleb version; Seafood sticks Steak and cheesy mash Chocolate cake. Put that in your pipe and share it
  5. So far, plans are a meal in with Mrs. F. King Prawn and Parma Ham wrapped Scallop kebabs Fillet Rossini with Pommes Dauphinoise , caramelised carrots and steamed tender-stem broccoli. Chocolate Fondant with Grand Marnier Cream. Considered Haggis, Neeps and Tatties, but fuck that
  6. Wouldn't fancy doing that in these winds mind. It's indoors mate, storage racks in a freezer- a freezer 50m long and 3 storeys high mind Ruffle a few feathers, did ya....... Clucking bell Absolutely fowl.
  7. Always sad to see a colleague pass.
  8. Could be better. Up this morning at daft o'clock to do a job in a chicken factory in Sunderland. Waited for various fuckers to get their shit together( permits, COSHH data etc) only to be told after all that , we couldn't get started until Friday. Feelings were expressed in a strong , Anglo Saxon manner.
  9. Reggie Perrin had the best approach Mine's spot on tbh- mad as a bucket of frogs, but sound with it.
  10. This needs more love. I will post it on every page, until people can see the light. I'll join you if I may. He loves his square pass off his left like He should be starting. Simple as that.
  11. We did this a while ago; http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?/topic/29100-brazilian-name/page__hl__%2Bbrazilian+%2Bname__fromsearch__1 Look at Besty's , about 4 down.
  12. Bit late, but this Jesus bloke shared a birthday with Humphrey Bogart. Jesus is now just that leetle bit cooler.
  13. Gutted we didn't get a White Christmas tbh. …
  14. Who takes any calls from a call centre on Christmas Day like? Genuine question btw, baffled.
  15. Oh yes, it took nano seconds for the unspoken agreement of " Fair game like lads" to be reached. Poor fucker will never live this down. He's already being referred to as Tripitaka.
  16. 16, turns 17 in march. I have to admit that I and two other Uncles ripped the piss with Bruce Lee and Seven Samurai quotes, which all went way his head. Great sport, all the better for the mad randomness of it all… you just dont get too many Samurai warriors in downtown Forest Hall.
  17. That was the funniest bit. Nobody asked him wtf he was dressed like Jet Li for- he just turned up , did a few ninja turkey carves, and that was that. Carry on as normal, playing charades with a Samurai warrior like it was an everyday thang. I did ask him if he was called Luke though.
  18. That's against your human rights. Just got back from Mother in laws, all Mrs. Fists family + Grandma Fist. 20 folk sat down for lunch (which was absolutely fantastic! ). Highlight of the day was the eldest nieces boyfriend, who arrived after dinner.… wearing a wooden samurai training sword and full Kendo skirts etc. He walked in, every Uncle (self included) made a sharp exit to the kitchen to piss ourselves laughing. Columbine material, right here in Forest Hall. Kids to bed now, then feet up with Mrs. Fist and some homemade Slur Gin to muller.
  19. 4.45 am my daughter was jumping on my head. 5am we were downstairs opening gifts. I'm putting whisky in their milk to put the little buggers to sleep. Merry Christmas all
  20. Happy birthday Santa's son.
  21. All done, pressies wrapped, off to bed. Each and every one of you have the best Christmas you can.
  22. It was a farm and airport for me. EVERY SINGLE BLOODY PIECE was tied to the box with cable ties! Santa's whisky is gone.
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