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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. *Totters off in high heels and very small nurses uniform with boobs spilling out....* Oh dear If that doesn't solve your shrinking cock you're done for.
  2. You still haven't answered how you say curry. Curry or Kerry? Don't worry, we all know what the truth is, which blows your posh claims to shreds
  3. But I'm right. So fuck you right back Sugartits.
  4. Your english is shit though. More superior? Far superior, perhaps ?
  5. Kronenbourg is best served at 7°c or 45°f. http://beer.findthebest.com/q/835/2714/What-is-the-serving-temperature-of-Kronenbourg-1664-beer
  6. Two Sisters Chicken factory in Leechmere was where I was. All done now and back in Gods Country. Posh
  7. I bet you've got a twang mind Curry or cerry?
  8. Just spent 20 minutes in the factory canteen listening to the mackems blether on. No idea wtf they were saying, just picked out the odd " Yeeauh". What a filthy accent it is, sounded like a bunch of retarded seagulls.
  9. That Underworld looks total gash. I'll be watching it avidly though.
  10. Tried the Asda across from Grainger Fraud Specialists, no pc versions in. It's on Play for £12.99 for pc tonight
  11. redtube.com is what you're after CT.
  12. So, took the game and receipt back to the shop today, asked to speak to the manager to be told they weren't in. Explained the problem, pointed out the dints on the box and marks on the disc , and asked for a new, sealed replacement. Not an unreasonable request, I'd say, to put to a company who's business is selling games. They said they didn't have one in stock. I asked if any of their other N.E. branches did, their reply was that each store only had 1 copy , which meant the case would be on display and the disc stored behind the counter- i.e. Unsealed. What a coincidence! I then asked when their next delivery was due and could they put an unopened copy aside for me to collect. This relatively simple request was also, for some unfathomable bullshit reason, impossible. By this point, I was thoroughly fucked off and could feel the red mist hovering, so got my money back ( after having to explain that I was perfectly entitled to do so, and no, I didn't want a fucking credit note for a shop which had already tried to defraud me). I left the shop , and realised that the Head Office was next door to the store ( the Benton one), so invited myself in and spoke to someone who was unwilling to give their position in the company. His explanation was that he thought it had been hacked and I could've requested a new code from EA Sport, the manufacturers. "Ok", says I " Can I have the £10 they charge for that then?" Long story long, I'm ordering it off Play.com, and I'm putting a complaint together for the Trading Standards Inspector. I've kept the original receipt , and the refund receipt. Fucking Del-Boy Wankers.
  13. Especially those who aren't bothering , just sitting in and chilling eh?
  14. Says on the receipt it's a new game, and thinking on, it was sealed as I remember taking the price ticket off very, very carefully before I wrapped it. Seems they make a habit of it judging by the comments on here… http://m.hotukdeals.com/deals/batman-arkham-city-new-sealed-today-only-30-grainger-games-1071804?mforwarded=true
  15. Will do Ant. I would swear the one I bought was sealed mind.
  16. Time for Anti- Semitic joke #347. What's the difference between a fish and The Holocaust? You can't milk a fish
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