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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I'll have an R, I, & P please Bob.
  2. Reporter-"So Arsene, what did you make of Van Persie beheading the infidel Rooney on the halfway line?" Wenger- " I deed not see eet. "
  3. I'll bet the big-arsed racist turns up late, has a coffee and a natter, then after 20 minutes, finally gets down to some twattering! Bitch!!!!!!!
  4. Their Clergy make shite players, always offside due to straying into the box way too soon.
  5. Does the time-honoured " Five fingered sleeping pill" not work?
  6. Then he wouldn't be a professional(ly employed) footballer. Next! Obviously that was an exaggeration but you do realise ramadhan aint the only time when they fast throughout the yr. My point is this, if someones religious beliefs are going to affect their work performance to a point where the company is losing thousands, surely youd think there would be some sort of clause in his contract, giving him non paid leave or something. Without being discriminatory. il have a read me that article thanks. Ronnie Rosenthal would never play against Bolton for Kosher reasons
  7. Ok then, since you can keep it quiet, Soccermom is a pre-op Leazesmag. All neatly tucked away now.
  8. Soccermom mkII I now know the secret behind soccermom btw, only reason I joined the admin team Tell... I'll keep it a secret ! Secret, man version- tell nobody. Secret, lady version- tell nobody ( except best friends, husband, sister, mother, and that woman you always bump into at the shops but can never recall her name).
  9. If only you'd given Rapey some credit…
  10. If I can't whisk the shit out of it, I'm not doing it. (sounds lovely mind)
  11. Don't apologise man, this board needs more spunk-breathed self fellaters. Speaking of terrible shits , here's a terribly shit joke for KSA to translate into Polish, might come in handy on his trip? Q.What's the difference between the Holocaust and a Bull? A. You can't milk a bull. :0
  12. I know it's childish, but I nearly followed through at 0.35 seconds in.
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