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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Killer Kilcline finally comes out as an accountant.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDpO5Bu27fs&sns=em "Taxi! To the nearest pie shop, thence to the Cleading Conservative Club!"
  3. For a while, aye. Then the technical problems kicked in and they got the sound back.
  4. I think hate is a bit harsh. Pardew has clearly spent a lot of time instilling a teamwork ethic in the squad, they play for each other and it shows. It's possible that he is concerned introducing HBA into the team kind of pisses on that. I don't think it would, be if that's the case I can see his concern.
  5. Ring him up and ask him Joshua Cryer : 07977 164 990 joshua.cryer@ncl.ac.uk I'd feel bad if it wasn't already splashed all over tinterweb.
  6. Aye, I'd be surprised if he isn't booted out of Uni. Must've racked up a canny student debt by now too- my heart is bleeding.
  7. Re. Joshua Cryer, the tit who sent Collymore racist tweets. I'm guessing that's his law career over before it's started? Can you be a lawyer/barrister with a criminal record?
  8. Wasn't that those Mackems tramps? Aye. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/wear/8413974.
  9. Have to say mind, Jonas' was a wee beauty as well. Casual as fuck.
  10. Oh my word! What a fucking goal! And a piece of shit ITV is.
  11. Zoom in on the crowd at 0.02 and you can see a portly fellow in a panama hat, covered in pie crumbs and hurling abuse at Jonas.
  12. She's way too old for Smoggie tastes.
  13. Jesus wept. "NUFC Direct" - is he taking the piss ?
  14. This had me so vexed, I had no option but to venture below stairs and give one of my house darkies a sound thrashing. By golly.
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