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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. No man, proper Geordie fadge , not yer tatie laden stuff.
  2. My old man calls a certain kind of bread fadge- anyone else heard this used, or is he just a filthy bread perv? Edit; just googled, and fadge is another name for Oirish tayto bread, but he used it for a kind of stottie. Btw, just driven to Warrington and back to price a job, can't be arsed cooking so Taste of India will be getting a call later. Me Granny used to refer to stotties as fadge as well. I am inspired to sink my teeth into some doughy fadge. Anyone know where I can get my hands on a bit ?
  3. If Liverpool have any sense, (and there's any truth in the transfer), they'll say fuck all to Carroll until the last minute. Why let an already struggling player know you want rid of him?
  4. Well I think they're both absolutely top blokes, and always have done. Top Blokes I said.
  5. Genuinely puzzles me how the fuck could anyone let themselves get in that state? Combine the two- The Waddling Man. Be a short programme , admittedly.
  6. My old man calls a certain kind of bread fadge- anyone else heard this used, or is he just a filthy bread perv? Edit; just googled, and fadge is another name for Oirish tayto bread, but he used it for a kind of stottie. Btw, just driven to Warrington and back to price a job, can't be arsed cooking so Taste of India will be getting a call later.
  7. Should've made Bombay potatoes man! http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/bombaypotatoes_1406
  8. The original or the yank version? The original is a belting film.
  9. Rango. Shouldn't have really, I've got to be up drive to Warrington and back tomorrow, but it's funny as fuck.
  10. I reckon we can turn this into The Cooking Thread Mk II if we post the shit out of it.
  11. You make a valid point Meenzer. It's great fun ripping into CT's culinary naivety, but if you've never really cooked before, it's a daunting task stepping into a kitchen. The govt , etc, can bang on about 5 a day until they're blue in the face, if people can't cook without burning water they'll get nowhere. As I write this I've been thinking " who taught me the basics?", and as cliched as it sounds, it was Ma & Pa Fist. Just simple things, but essential. I clearly remember asking about cooking veg- does it go in cold water or boiling water? Mam told me if it grows underground it goes in cold, if it grows above ground it goes in boiling. Anyway… I reckon CT is cooking boiled eggs as he can't crack raw eggs yet and is sick of ending up with a face dripping like a bad porn star.
  12. "Kill Baldrick…" You'll feel better reading this. http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2011/sep/19/cookbook-errors-recipes-for-disaster
  13. CT, do everyone, yourself included, a massive favour and buy a copy of this It's where Heston nicked the boiled egg method from
  14. You been boiling eggs a la CT? What happened?
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