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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. This new lad calling out Fish for his avatar btw, cheeky Yid
  2. Verbose? Like my virtual prestidigitation there CT?
  3. As opposed to quorn, made from mushrooms that grow in the shit you speak of
  4. Poach your eggs, grill your bacon, buy good quality sausages and grill them. Don't have loads. Exercise. Bingo
  5. My favourite curry. Once made a fantastic one a few years ago but lost the recipe. Did mine with: canned tomatoes, patak's curry paste, onions, peppers, lamb shoulder, mango chutney, garlic, garam masala and butter. Coated the lamb with a dry rub of smoked paprika, turmeric and chilli powder too before sealing the meat. Ah yeah. Some leftover for lunch tomorrow! If it's really good and you can be arsed at some point, the full recipe would be appreciated. Take all the above ingredients. Cook them. Don't say I never help
  6. Interesting one this TS. You're at the same age I was when I had my first ( she arrived 5 days before my 40th birthday). Mrs. F. is seven years younger than me, and she felt her clock was ticking too. Son arrived a month before my 43rd birthday. So I am facing the joys of teenagers in my mid fifties If I had a magic rewind button, I'd probably have binned the blobs 5 yrs earlier tbh. We both wanted kids from the outset but we felt finances, house, careers and such weren't right then. There's no way of fully describing how much your life changes if you do decide to let the Tadpoles swim free, but for all the downsides ( and there are plenty) I have found being a father to be the most rewarding experience of my life. The downsides then… Kiss goodbye to your social life for at least the next 10 years, even if you can find a babysitter, you'll be too fucked to go out. Make sure your wardrobe is stocked with well made classics, and you've been to those destinations you really want to see, as your wallet will be emptied on clothes, toys, childcare, and a never ending list of stuff you never knew existed, much less thought you'd be buying. Plastic nipple guards anyone? Sleep- have it while you can. That's all I'll say on that. Nappies , you can have a practise run with these. Buy a large fresh duck, and fill it with someone else's shit ( you might want to mix a bit mayo in to get the right consistency). Put a nappy on it, give it good shake, then go on the nearest roller coaster and try to change it- this replicates the experience from 6months onwards. The upsides though are more than a match for all that. The moment you first look into their eyes will be seared on your memory for life. There is nothing nicer than when they've just woke up and hold their arms out for a cuddle. Babies are chick-magnets, borrow one for a few hours and go for a stroll, you'll see what I mean. As they get older, the real fun begins. Today's conversation on the way to school was started by her asking where the stars had gone, (they go to bed during the day, says I), so she then went through a list of animals that sleep through the day. Walks in the park are never boring- last time she was a Princess, I had to help her escape from the Dragon. You get the idea. I'd guess that the fact you're asking means your already well on the way to making the decision, if you haven't already. Hope this helps.
  7. Aye, but he spelt it with 2 fs.
  8. In my stoner days in France my drink of choice was Lait Fraise. Tried some a while back, and it was feckin bogging.
  9. My nipper earlier this evening,channelling his inner Elton
  10. Aye, but next time a waiter asks how you'd like your steak, you can say " Sarcy please".
  11. Whenever I came home from my travels I always tried to come back over the High Level. Got to be one of the best city views in Britain
  12. The Black Garter is currently the hippest joint , Daddio.
  13. Are Shearer and Taylor having a competition to see who can wear the shittest suit?
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