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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Seconded. This is brilliant. How many chapters are there though, need to pace yourself old boy.… … Chapter 21 By this point, the relationship between Shepherd and Sir John wa…BAAAM. Leazes head hits the keyboard, fingers weeping blood on his Farahs.
  2. Get out. Some of my fave lyrics are by Pink Floyd. Someone mentioned Dark Side of the Moon, Time has to be up there lyrically as one of their best imo. Aye.
  3. Happy Anniversary TR. Show us yer chebs to celebrate.
  4. Fancied some chocolate earlier. Couldn't be arsed Beat that! Quantities and method pls??? Chocolate - none Don't buy a bar of chocolate , once no purchase has been made, do not remove the wrapper. After about 5 minutes of non-consumption , it should be done.
  5. Leazesbot is stuck on repeat. Normal service has resumed.
  6. If I take a photograph of a photograph of Rapey, does that count?
  7. Never mind posting and lurking about on here Leazes, get the fucking book read! Time is short Old Man.
  8. made a sandwich earlier, 2 slices of granary bread bit of butter bit of cheese 2 slices of ham Had some crisps earlier. 1 packet of crisps Boomtown. Fancied some chocolate earlier. Couldn't be arsed Beat that!
  9. 3 hours? Wtf was he doing like? It's an hour at best. Oh , and man up you big Jesse
  10. Next to the Keelmans Hospital on Pandon Bank. Brrrrrrrrrr!
  11. Jeez its cold today! Fingers have gone through the freeze-thaw-intense pain bit, nuts are like lentils. Roll on summer.
  12. With you and Fish here, hope we annihilate them. That or, we play shite, get some outrageous decisions , and spawn it. Either way, send their classless bunch of fuckwit fans home with faces like a slapped arse.
  13. Aye, I know what you mean I honestly thought he'd pegged it years ago.
  14. Win= Tits Oot for the Lads. Aeris, not CT. Just for clarity.
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