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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Fuck Fuck fuck fuck Just got of the phone to my missus, my " stand-in" father in law is dyeing. The family have been told its a matter of hours, possibly a day or two if he's lucky. He went in to hospital at the start of the week, was apparently puking up shit ( aye , exactly what it says), and was swiftly diagnosed with bowel cancer. He'd left it far too late, and is now on his way out. He's a top bloke, not actually my father in law, but him and his wife are very close friends of my wife's family and all the kids call them Nana and Grandpa. I love him to bits, he's one of those blokes who is just so easy to get on with, loves NUFC, never a bad word about anyone. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Bastard!!!
  2. Also, the Sunderland Echo reviewing Newcastle restaurants There's only so much you can say about blue pop and cheesy chips.
  3. ?? Not sure how. Its a bloke who used to love the barn asia who has since been back a few weeks ago and confirmed the grub is just as good as it ever was and is being made and prepared by the same staff. More helpful than the proceeding five post anyway. Being a scran snob, the fact that he didn't realise Caesar Salad should have anchovies in it shows him up a bit. However, I do agree with CT, this guy is obviously a fan of Barn Asia, and reckons its new incarnation is much the same. Pretty much answered 2J's question I'd say.
  4. Honestly never used them before (according to my impaired memory anyway). They're an absolute must when it comes to curries and chillies in my view. Always toast them for a few seconds first before using - unlocks the flavour. Crack a few Cardamom pods and hoy them in your rice as its cooking too. Edit; I also hoy in a Bay leaf, 2-3 whole garlic cloves, and a teaspoon of whole black peppercorns. Lurvely Jurberly. ( had a week of hotel food, can't wait to get home and make some decent bait ).
  5. Whereabouts in Killingworth did you live then, J69?
  6. I've not, but Ackbars curry house, which is just over the square, is decent. And very child friendly ( in a non-Teeside way). Went there for a family do last month - 18 of us, half of which were kids. Youngest was my 18mth old hooligan, they were absolutely spot on.It was a Saturday night too. The food is very good , they do a rabbit starter which is not something you see too often.
  7. Good post. Utterly baffling tbh, good luck to him wherever he ends up. There must be something else behind this like, if Warnock , for example, is installed by the weekend Clarkie should take them to the fucking cleaners. And whatever is going on in his private life should remain that - private. Has nowt to do with anyone but him.
  8. This Mag at work reckons they're 6th. Deluded.
  9. Capable of serious impacts on the wings iirc Inherently classy players tbh.
  10. Bramble- totally owned the Box, even when he had no right to. Fantastic penetration , apparantly on a US friendly trip he made so many unstoppable thrusts and bursts into the host's box he had to be dragged off the field, frothing at the mouth. Sure this happened in Vermont. Chopra would also be a good bet.
  11. Working away, stuck in a hotel on me Jack. I've decided to take my hand out for dinner, then if I'm lucky, back to the hotel for some palm sex. Bastid
  12. Use this thread to go back and remove one.
  13. I'd go back to the day CT signed up on here and break his Internet. Za Za
  14. It's poor ten I feel sorry for. His CV must be a mess!
  15. Fuckkng nothing!!! The service in this hotel is slower a Mackem trying to put on a glove.
  16. Niiii-al Qui-in Niall Qu-in Niall Qui-in… Nah, sorry, doesn't scan
  17. Wummug doilum mug, muggy cuntmug tbh. Deadmantastic!
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