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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. http://www.southparkstudios.co.uk/clips/sp_vid_164818/?searchterm=Major%20boobage
  2. Help Me Rhonda... And here she is with her growler out
  3. Post of the week. Surely you know of Julio Arca though? Quién?
  4. happy birthday cunterheads lol ha
  5. Mixed. Have a funeral to attend a week tomorrow. Downer Been to Manchester today to price up a serious contract. Upper.
  6. Dump your job. ( quadruple entendre… )
  7. I love the Keep, shame the Victorians built a fucking big railway right through the middle of the castle Garth. Has anyone been inside the Black Gate? There used to be a bagpipe museum in there, but it seems closed to the public now. I'd love to have a nosey round it.
  8. Cragside is a good shout, as are Housesteads and Vindolanda on Hadrians Wall. In the City, you'll be able to visit the Keep, Blackfriars (13thC Dominican Chapter House), and the West Walls in a good morning. The Hancock ( Great North Museum) , now houses the Museum of Antiquities collection- its free, but give the ropey stuffed animals a miss when you first go in. Chillingham Castle is worth a visit, and the Chillingham Herd, but you'd have to check its open at this time of year.
  9. Chicken, Spinach and Green Lentil Balti for the Fist's tonight. Bubbling away now, be ready in about 10 minutes.
  10. Who've you mugged Farnie? And what happened to your Mario hat??
  11. Cheers lads. I know she'll kill me for this, but I feel I ought to say publicly how damned decent and caring Catmag really is. I know this won't come as news to anyone who's been here for a while, but I want to say it anyway. She spends her working life caring for others, then , comes in here, sees I've had some bad news, and takes the the time to have a PM conversation to try to make me feel better. It's not as if I'm one of the "original Trent Posse" either- Cath has never met me, but still took the time to just be a decent person. So , there you go. Delete this if you want Cath, I know you'll find it embarrassing, and dont mind if you wipe it, but I thought everyone should know what a top lass you are- I'm sure one or two other regulars on here will agree. And apparently you also have a monumental rack… are you , in fact, Wonderwoman?
  12. Even Escoffier had egg and chips now and then.
  13. Can we not just post this idiot's email, so that " casual browsers" can send him some serious grot?
  14. Cheers Chubster I would tbh, but I've had too much to drive home now- had a pint before I'd heard, and had another straight after. I'll be on my home by lunchtime tomorrow anyway, so I'll just crack on and get home asap.
  15. Aye, that's the worst thing. I said I'd sack this job and head home but she insisted I stay- her thinking is that there's bugger all I can do anyway, and I'm due home tomorrow afternoon as it is , so I may as well stay and finish the job. She's right, in a purely logical sense, but it doesn't stop me feeling utterly useless. She's also said that I might want to think about volunteering to speak at his funeral, Jesus! Where do you start? I spoke at my brother's funeral, but that felt right and natural somehow. I will, of course, speak , but it just seems wrong to be thinking of a eulogy when the poor man hasn't even died ! Sorry of this isn't my most lucid post, I've sink a few swift pints since finding out, and my head is all over the shop.
  16. Edit; @ Ayatollah Aye, it is like Mr&Mrs. Eats in the Sunday Sun, but for the purpose of answering 2J's query, it did the job.
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