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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Once the full details of his death came out, I just thought, much like Ant above, "stupid fucker". He'd rigged the jump on Leaning Tower, done it and filmed it several times. Then he left it rigged, went off elsewhere for a month , and returned to de-rig it. In that month, his ropes were exposed to rain , high wind, and freezing. The most crucial detail here for me is wind- given the length of the drop, and the time it was left rigged, it's almost inevitable that it would have been abraded , probably at several points. Instead of de-rigging it as he'd planned, he decided to do another jump- the one where his rope snapped and killed him. As also mentioned , he had a young kid by then too. The clip above is impressive for its speed, but it's basically showboating. It's not a difficult route, I did harder routes as a matter of course when I was into it, and I was by no means a top grade climber. You should have a look at E11, by Hot Aches. It's about Dave McCloud, a Scottish lad who is arguably the worlds best all round climber at present. He did a route on Dumbarton Rock which is inconceivably hard. And it was done "Traditional"- without bolts pre placed. Here's a clip of the kind of falls he took doing it.
  2. Which former NUFC player, with 112 app. for us, had a brother play for Chelsea and a nephew present for BBC?
  3. I only wanted to ask him am innocent question, Mano-a-Mano *stinkpipe?*
  4. He clearly doesn't, given how swiftly he took it down. Not swift enough though. I was only going to leave it there til he posted, but fair point, I've took it off.
  5. hes only a young lad fist hes not ready for you yet It's not him I'm "curious" about.… *picture of young minx removed by unpopular demand* … so, as I was saying, about your avatar Young Farnsworth.
  6. Too late ! So… as I was saying… about your avatar… details pleez. Edit: Damn you!
  7. Just sitting down to Chicken casserole(white wine cream sauce, Puy lentils, broccoli, carrots and cauli) with warm baguettes. … even if I do say so myself.
  8. Dan Osman is worth looking up on YouTube. Did some ridiculous climbs solo, then took up doing massive roped jumps of El Cap and the like- and got killed.
  9. Did you break your last one bouncing it off the wall in disgust at the wanton violence in Call of Duty?
  10. Im worried - they are dangerous going forward Must try harder. A Mackem I know said he has HD hands, which puzzled me until I realised the thick twat actually meant Digitally Enhanced.
  11. You might want to take your email off there mate. There's some knackers view this forum.
  12. What did you get for your birthday Deaders?
  13. I once went to concert ( in the Roman Coliseum in Nimes , dontcha know ), with a 40 litre water bag wrapped in a towel, full of wine, in my rucksack. Everyone was searched on the gate for booze, I waltzed past , and can remember little about the gig. What with the plonk and a bag of finest Moroccan pollen, we spent most of the evening roaming the galleries and dungeons , absolutely blistered.
  14. Noooooooooooooo… … well, maybe.
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