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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Foil hats on boys! http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/breaking/2012/0308/breaking1.html Hits Canada in about 20 mins.
  2. http://m.metroradioarena.co.uk/events/4698/gillette-soccer-saturday-live-with-jeff- How not to sell tickets
  3. What a bunch of pretentious, pompous, supercilious, arrogant wankers you lot are, epitomised by Monsieur Given. Get over yerselves man!
  4. If I collided with CT I reckon it'd be like getting cuddled by dough.
  5. Inshane in the membrane innit. "Fatty" , from the Lena Zavaroni of the taxi world.
  6. You're right it's not. RTG is the upper 0.1% of them who can almost write. I must admit, I've often wondered the same thing, but my day to day experience of the filthy beggars is what prompted me to write ( in all seriousness) my first line.
  7. His skills as a footballer, qualities as a person , and general likeability can be summarised in the image below…
  8. As a confirmed member of the "Pardew is a Cunt" camp ( current membership- 1), I have to say he's done a great , no, superb job with the team. If we finish in a European spot, I'd agree with Stevie that he deserves the MOTS award. Still don't believe a fucking word he says when it comes to off field matters mind ( i.e. when he's being used as Ashley's mouthpiece. ) When he was winding O'Neill up on Sunday though, I could've kisses him.
  9. Aye, cos there's a massive prick in them.
  10. I thought you meant OFSTED at first and was going to say that they probably wouldn't appreciate it Nah, one of his mates has offered to step in for him instead on Thurs night but he still has a meeting that'll keep him there til gone half 5 and I leave for work at 6.15pm. Think we'll leave the party til the weekend and I'll just wrack myself with Mothers Guilt instead You mean Gin, don't you
  11. Sorry to hear that Cath. Assuming telling work to fuck off is not an option for him.
  12. Thank 2J mate, he posted the original link ( God bless his soul )
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