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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Who the fuck was this then??!! Dave Hollins- keeper , with us 1960-1966. Brother of John Hollins leg-end, who's son is Chris , the sports reporter on BBC Breakfast news, who I hate, as he gets to breath the sweet scent exuded by Susannah Reid , the jammy little fuckrag.
  2. It's quite safe, I promise.
  3. Oh My God… We've created a monster! An unstoppable monster I tells ya!
  4. Some scary shit on here Deaderz http://www.algore.com/
  5. fuck off fat boy. A shite pre weigh in is a gift from the gods that rarely comes. Full of it then? Situation Normal
  6. Do you have a shite before you hit the weigh bridge CT?
  7. It's Teeside Ant. Took them half the day to drag the bomb squad off their kids.
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tees-17356864 Saltburn seafront has been cordoned off by bomb squad due to a woman with "suspicious items" about her person. On Look North, she appears to be dressed in Muslim get up. She'll be gutted if she blows herself to Paradise only to be met by 72 Kevins.
  9. Cheers man. I have put the knife in and outlined why I am not happy. The Mong saw me in with the main dir and she knows it was about her because shes been quiet as a mouse since Fuck her, she will soon be back acting like a fucking 8 year old the mongy bastard. Since you're now working out your notice, I expect the following; 1) You will not arrive at work on time. Half an hour after official start time is the earliest you may arrive. 2) You will curtail your productivity to a maximum of 1hr's work per day. The remainder of your day is to be spent drinking coffee and discussing utterly irrelevant crap with the Mong. 3) Said Mong is be engaged in sexual congress, the photographs of this union to be posted on here.
  10. Fuck knows. But this comes from someone who knew of Ashley in his younger days... Perhaps they've renamed Spurs as Chelsea, to showcase the commercial potential.
  11. I seem to recall their being far more bother from Boro than there ever was from Sunderland. I think Sunderland were so far behind the times that they didn't really get into that scene until it was on its way out. It's a mugs game, anyway. I would say one thing though, for any of them reading this, could they explain how the scenes at Roker Park where away fans would infiltrate home areas in numbers and weren't shy in showing who they were, were never replicated at St. James' Park? Must've been one of those coincidences, obviously their sisters were on day release those very same days. What would you rather do- fight or shag?
  12. I'd liken it to a bacteriologist studying a strain of bacteria as it mutates into something more virulent. The bacteria is a living thing, indiscriminately multiplying but has no self awareness, or control over its actions. The bacteriologist looks on , horrified and repelled by what he sees, always aware that it is just a simple organism.… … but classy.
  13. Post this pic on your FB page with a comment along the lines of " Great Bloke!" See how many of your friends get pissy with you, thinking its Joseph Kony. Then hit them with the " so you think black men look alike?" Oh the joys of Friday night in!
  14. A Govt. scheme to save £159 million by sharing services between departments has gone £500 million over budget. Would be hilarious if it wasn't so fucking criminal! http://www.publicfinance.co.uk/news/2012/03/money-saving-shared-services-overspend-by-500m/
  15. This is what happens when you do it like Spurs… On topic, no surprise if Tiote is away in summer, no surprise that Dewek is still an odious turd, no surprise our resident loony has turned this thread the way of so many others.
  16. Ye Gods, 51 years old and he's only managed to spell 2 words out of 6 spelt correctly. And one of them is 'a'......... according to Facebook, he's unable to spell the name of the firm he works for either....... Name and shame Gene, you know it's for the good of humanity.
  17. I'd ask him if he'd show you any pics of Dani Behr's growler. FYP
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