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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. We’re 4-0 up in this one lads, get over here to the party thread!
  2. For now, historically,these German lads don’t know when they’re beaten.
  3. @wykikitoon You’ve obviously opened the bomb-bay doors by now. Question- given the state of the half-time shitters… did you sit or stand? Also, COME ON YEE ERICS!
  4. I really don’t see how Eddie can drop him when our injuries are sorted- he’s been a revelation tbh.
  5. 5+ minutes in to HT. Has Wykiki made it to the Thunderbox, or are we talking a sticky waddle of shame out of the ground, smelling like a tramp’s nest? This game is just a maelstrom of unending tension, isn’t it?
  6. If we can get an early goal 2nd half, we can almost afford to run out of steam later, as a draw will still do us. Obvs, I’d rather we won 5-0, but hey…
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