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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I'm on fire here like Nee idea who this bong eyed monster is though....
  2. McPish? Another wrongun. Paul Wynn? Is it Di Matteo
  3. Jim Smith he did, with Derby 96-99ish lombardo?
  4. Didn't we also get into the Fairs Cup because of a 'one club per city' rule?
  5. Right then chaps, I've been asked to price a job which is painting a tubular duct above a swimming pool. To calculate the amount of paint needed, I need to work out the surface area of the duct. Dimensions are; duct diameter= 1m (2r) duct length = 120m. (H) The formula for surface area of a cylinder is 2(pi r2 ) + 2(pi r) H. (The first part is to calculate the ends of the cylinder, which doesn't apply in this case as the duct starts and finishes at a wall.) So, putting the dimensions into that , I get 2x( 3.14 x 0.5m )x 120 , or more simply 3.14 x 120, which is 376.8m2 That's for a straight cylinder. there a a few bends and outlet boxes, so I've added 10m2 and rounded it up to get 390m2. Firstly, have I used the right formula, secondly, have I calculated it correctly? Cheers
  6. I thought we were both having a pop a the Boldon Bunter like, but hey ho, we'll sort it out over a pasty or ten. Like men, not calorie-counting queens.
  7. FYP, fatty * Shrieks with rage and throws deep fried peanut butter and jam sandwich at screen * *....then, full of self-loathing and crying big snotty tears, proceeds to lick it off...
  8. May I respectfully suggest you lay off the fatso/fatty comments? I find such fattist comments hurtful, not everyone has moobs of rancid butter like yourself you know ! FYP, fatty
  9. Proving its all about very very strong will power, as are most things of this nature, Fatty CT loses 4lb in as many months and now he's got a Will of Iron
  10. Awww, diddums, did the nasty man spoil your fun?
  11. I'd do it in style, not this worthless thread Didn't you go to Amsterdam for a week with no money and ended up staying ages away from Amsterdam ?
  12. Sooooo… Agent Scully has revealed that hath sipped from the hairy cup. Here's some tasteful pics of her at her best Almost classy enough to be a Mackem. And here's one of her with her spaniels lugs out. The Truth is Out There!
  13. Taking on Alex's grammar police role like a Biss there Besty za za
  14. North Shields butchers reported a spike in bacon sales this afternoon, God help the neighbours.
  15. I've seen your haircut Gallagher, you're about as stylish as Tesco Bacics.
  16. Aye, you can watch me punch his lights out for being a cheeky fucker. You could compare cup-sizes, but he'd probably win.....
  17. So, just for clarity, is he 'cooling off' in the creche or has he been hoyed out?
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