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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Only Tea Set/ Meggadeath left - clue they've already been mentioned in this thread
  2. Monkeys Fist


    The case against religion clicky
  3. Beautifully put. If she was faffing about with my johnson, putting it on the bridge of her nose,she'd faint from the stench.
  4. Monkeys Fist


    Well given it's a conclusion I've reached on my own and I'm not currently recruiting young fitties I think I'm safe from the tanks shooting fire for now. I'd revise my statement to 'find your own path' for risk of being labelled a hippy again. Sorry, couldnt resist, good photo though Tbh mate, I hate putting people into boxes, Not what I'd heard , you hippy-hating psychopath
  5. Van Halen - yes Rats- right country ,wrong band.
  6. Monkeys Fist


    They are in the US. Not here though. Who decides? Xenu
  7. Monkeys Fist


    Of course. Not a religion,are they
  8. Monkeys Fist


    Great to hear that he looks like he's on the way to recovering. re. praying, if that's what some people want to do, no skin off my nose, za za
  9. Monkeys Fist


    At least Atheists only WUM. Untrue http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/UnNews:Militant_atheist_violence_continues
  10. #6 Might as well JUMP #12 Won't someone think of the children!! (in africa) ker-ching!
  11. That's them Craig, so, clues.......... 6.Rat Salad, Mammoth- reformed and released an album /toured last year, US band. 12.Feedback – Were probably pissed last saturday 13.Tea Set, Meggadeath – Played at Live8 edit; oops....... 7.Metropolis Blues Quartet – connection to #8 in the list
  12. I'd be no good as a surgeon- if I got a JW I'd be sooo tempted to circumcise them when they were under, then call them Mr. Goldstein afterwards, just to mess with their heads. " THAT'S for knocking on my door on a fucking Sunday morning, twat!"
  13. My grot radar has just gone off… pics please
  14. Aye, worms indeed! Have you dealt with many? Not even sure how big a presence they are in the NE?
  15. On a bit of a tangent, what's the legal stance on Jehovah's Witnesses refusing blood transfusion for their kids- if it's a life/death situation, can doctors go ahead and give it regardless?
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