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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I look on the Wolves and Mackems matches as 4 points dropped tbh For me, the Wolves and Fulham games. Onwards and upwards troops!
  2. You fucking animal! I was only joking
  3. A massive scouser, shaven-headed, muscles on his muscles, tattoos on his tattoos, is sitting in Liverpool's roughest pub having a pint, when in comes a slender, camp, smartly dressed man. The man sits next to the scouser, orders an appletini, and then turns to the scouser and says "Hello sailor. How about meeting me round the back for a blow-job?" At this, the scouser promptly flies into a furious rage. He picks up the other man, runs him head first all along the bar, drops him to the floor and then pummels him relentlessly for five whole minutes, before throwing him out onto the street. "Jesus Terry" said the barman "What did that poor fella say to you? "Dunno" the scouser replied "Something about a job"
  4. He ought to take it up again, the lard will drop off.
  5. Monkeys Fist


    Happy Birthday Mr. Jaw. What a glorious day it is too, 2-1 win to seal it
  6. No, my youngest used my stomach as a trampoline to wake me up - the little twat!
  7. Even finely tuned athletes can die young. Rip
  8. I'm not in the Posse, but I'm not getting up til Mam says so.
  9. Something I can't put my finger on And the living is easy Fish is humping And the 2J is high.
  10. You should be licking up the vomit CT, guaranteed winner at Fat Lady Club this week
  11. Get busy then old chap.
  12. "Where ees the pain?" " It's me groin doc…"
  13. You've said that before tbf He's playing hard to get All enquiries to go through his agent.
  14. Tough game tbh. We need to make the most of the midweek results in our favour, I've got this as a sneaky 2-1 to us. (to science)
  15. Monkeys Fist


    1. Patrice Muamba's recovery- meh, he's alreet man! 2. God vs Science- Atheists should thank God for the science which disproves him. 3. Gays are gay because their brains are broken.
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