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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Nee thrups, nee kudos mind
  2. Would love to see the interviewer do that to Dalglish when they eventually win a game like. Mid-answer and just walks off with his mic. "Do you think you deserved the win?" "I do, I think we were exc-" "so fuck, you scotch tramp"
  3. I'll have one of salma please, MUST include her thrupennies Cheers
  4. He's too busy getting nasty with the cougars of teeside
  5. The word on Stowell St is that a bald ginger bloke with 36DDs has already put three All You Can Eat Buffet joints out of business. Toon Triads are mobilising to save what remains, with reports stating one of their number lost a hand in an early intervention attempt.
  6. Happy Birthday Dr. Ken. What a cracking present from Cissé and the Lads.
  7. Did you put the stack heels on , or is Pardew a closet Cruise?
  8. CT was on holiday in Cornwall on 11/08/1999. Coincidence Parky??
  9. CT and the Pasty Crew on the way to the match. " 32' waist these man!"
  10. WARNING TO DOG OWNERS, COUNTRYWIDE; Please keep your animals indoors from 3pm on April 1 , as a high pitched nasal whining is expected to strike wherever Professional Victims are present. The duration and intensity of this aural irritation will depend upon the severity of the public sodomising of the League Champions ( in waiting) and proximity of boundary structures for suffering Thieves to push over.
  11. http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/sport/sport-headlines/carroll-starts-against-newcastle-to-remind-him-of-his-job-201203305076/
  12. I'll bet you were there, in your black turtle neck and shades, digging the crazy beats, you hepcat love when shitey trendy bars try to do things to set themselves apart. In Koo's case, it's looking like a hong kong brothel. Fittingly, it's full of right japs eyes
  13. No offence to you personally cos I dont know you but that just sounds like happy clappy land. If you have an alternative that you think had a chance of winning a real election in the next five years Im all pies. Life has never and will never being fair. It is all about and always will be about survival of the fattest. tidied
  14. Wait, what? I'd hope their hands are in one of the thirds
  15. "Spare heads for goalposts, isn't it?"
  16. He's been a fucking shambles since the death of The Swing, poor lad.
  17. I haven't a clue tbh. If its in the UK, then it's pre-1989, at least. Judging by the maturity of the trees, I'd say it was abandoned well before then.
  18. CT on his way to the kebab shop tomorrow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObZtjW5-R9A&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  19. Altogether now… My oneskin lies over my twoskin My twoskin lies over my three…
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