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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. The Russian cosmonauts are dead excited. At 9.35 and 57 seconds they will be able to see CT drinking weissbier and necking crispy duck in his garden
  2. Fucking Hell man TS! NSFAnywhere!
  3. Ah… Nigella… Any excuse
  4. Btw, in the OP, anyone else think Guivarc'h was Beresford for a second?
  5. Didn't Serrant get a career finishing injury after he left us? Anyway , here's another
  6. This should've been done when we had the 14th biggest membership.
  7. I'd love to see a list of shareholders for Cuadrilla Resources, the company involved in this. Then cross reference it with Cabinet members.
  8. Aren't there some decent pubs next to the ferry landing in S.Shields?
  9. Which was him saying GS should not sign anyone for the sake of it. Fuck me I've been doing this for at least 8 years. Anyway, vindication. So called accountant has name cleared. Thank you kindly.
  10. There seems to be a little uncertainty over whether it was a cardiac arrest or cerebral aneurism which killed him. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/soccer/2012-04-15-3031344729_x.htm Either way, it's fucking tragic
  11. No, what i am saying is clearly stated in the post above. Don't start that shit
  12. its not really my fault that whenever I say something, about 20 people disagree and demand a reply, or just babble on about nothing in particular. it is though, the refusal of many on here to engage you in any sensible debate is directly attributable to your attitude to others and incessant hammering home off the need for EVERYONE to see that YOU are right. It's beyond a parody now
  13. some people put them into the forum regardless. Put it down to life experience ,eh?
  14. Plenty with a yen for them I'd imagine etc No need to be sake about it.
  15. I've got a few of me as a bairn in a shitty nappy- how much would they go for on the Nipponese Nonce Market , mancy?
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