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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Lentil salad and grilled chicken for me. Puy lentils, fine diced red onion, fine diced cucumber ,fine diced red pepper, fresh coriander, french dressing (home -made )
  2. If I had too, I'd choose CT - wouldn't feel a thing
  3. Gunther wannit? Must've been Bi- didn't he lust after Brad Pitts bird.
  4. I voted twice- pc and phone. Still hasn't changed but "nie poddawać się" as they say in Gdansk.
  5. Which one was the Bum Fiend in Friends like?
  6. I agree, it takes a minute to knock up your own. (just noticed, in that list of ingredients, there's no oil!)
  7. Done.. Everyone else on here, howay, get it done, it takes 30 seconds, click on our fixture on the right.
  8. Why have sugar when there's honey in it?
  9. If it wasn't for the bum gymnastics and having to do my own ironing, I could quite happily be gay. Christ, even when you're gay, you still won't do any exercise. He could be a Wide Receiver.
  10. Good shout Andy- El Coto is decent , as is Red Mezze just up the road from it.
  11. I suppose it'll add an extra dimension. Shoot me now.
  12. That's right Fish, nothing better than a mouthful of tiny balls with a seafood flavour.
  13. I am , thank you for pointing out my cretinous error… … aaaanyway, I'd go as far as recommending the Fregula con Gamberoni, sublime.
  14. Panis is excellent. Quality Sardinian food, reasonable price, good wine. Decor is a little basic, but it doesn't matter because the service and the food are both superb. I'll second the Panis recommendation. It is superb food.
  15. Fuck you all you pack of cunts. I shall go back to posting tit pics and childish humour , I tried, I tried…
  16. Actually no. It's Townshend and Ike Turner.
  17. Sold his foreskin to Casillas to use on his bongos?
  18. Why is there a bust of Caesar on the roof?
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