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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Off you fuck then. Good luck man, hope it works.
  2. Oooh, you cuntroversial devil! Not like you.
  3. Yes. http://www.menarebetterthanwomen.com/woman-astronaut-kills-everyone/#more-1193 Bloke would've tied the bags on
  4. Enter under a nom de plume as a splitarse. Gina Va or something.
  5. I don't really bear any grudge towards Given. Did well for us and can't blame him for fuckkng off , at the time the club was being run like a joke. (4 managers in one season, remember). Insomnia can fuck off though.
  6. I'm after a Michael Kor handbag. Anyone?
  7. All the best Smogster.
  8. Just tried to download some midget porn but I think my broadband is dodgy as all I got was a few little snatches.
  9. Did you not see his first avatar? Loves the Wizard of Oz
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