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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. It's all the rage http://www.pressherald.com/archive/pittston-man-charged-with-climbing-in-toilet_2009-08-31.html His wife later dumped him
  2. Just found this. http://m.guardian.co.uk/football/blog/2009/apr/21/ray-kennedy-appeal-liverpool-arsenal?cat=football&type=article Hats off to the thieving dipper who organised it.
  3. Wonder if it's ok to pop her in the oven when she starts cooling?
  4. How's he doing? He used to apologise profusely about the effects of his Parkinsons, as if he thought it offended people.
  5. http://rt.com/news/egypt-sex-dead-wife-054/ Well, fuck me rigid.
  6. Ray Kennedy used to eat in my restaurant when I was cheffing. Loved having a crack on, and seemed genuinely pleased whenever he was recognised. Can't believe I forgot about him.
  7. This is as far as I got. Beaten by bionics
  8. Bollocks. When you look down and see a gut instead of your cock, surely you'd say to yourself "enough"? If you fancy a biscuit have one. Have two. But don't have the whole packet. It's not difficult to work out or do. ( Unless your brain is encased in so much blubber it has ceased to function.)
  9. Tale of jealousy , this. Pav's luxuriant thatch vs the young Fish's already diminishing barnet.
  10. Well said. I'll be starting a bit cycling to kick the heart and lungs back into shape, weight wise, could do with losing a pound or two , but not stressing as I have a job coming up that'll lose me more than that ( working above a swimming pool on the heating duct ) I was on a job in Leeds today - office block. I said to my mate at lunch that office chairs now, compared to say the 60s , must be twice as strong to cope with the obese blobs that are spilling out of them. The place was so full of lard it was a fire risk. You've cost me two ruined keyboards
  11. You cheeky vagina! (And no, he's married to my cousin, really decent bloke too. )
  12. Was at Steve Watsons wedding in 1997, met Clarkie, Beardsley , Howey , Sellars, Shearer, Lee, Hislop, Peacock. Helped Shearer steady Rob Lee at the bar , as Lee had scored for England the day before, and Shearer was getting him mullered, successfully too. Both were sound, as were all the players present. Shaka was a fuckkng hoot, playing the comedy West Indian role , shouting for his " Wooman!" to bring him rice and peas and beer. Also worked in a deli/cafe in Jesmond where Beardsley and Albert were regulars. Albert was fucking massive.
  13. Top move. Agree wholeheartedly about a proper memorial to Joe Harvey being long overdue, but let's enjoy a nice gesture to a great man.
  14. Oof! Bus drivers , as a rule, are wankers.
  15. Is a quick cock-squeeze ok then? And I agree, don't bother with the Mackem shite. You'll have a classier time sitting in a bin , eating your own faeces tbh.
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