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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Aye, but wee Martin is their new messiah, because he has an safc tattoo on his arse. FACT. SMB 5-1 etc etc. *posted RTG stylee*
  2. Is that Gosforth for saying you're happy to be alive?
  3. Recognising the back of their heads as they run away screaming doesn't count as "meeting".
  4. I'll give him til 8.30 before the first Wham video is posted.
  5. Is it fuck. Back doors only for a while I think.
  6. Your shits must be rancid like CT
  7. Nervous. Came home, tea on table , beer in glass ( and this is the clincher) , which she topped up for me when it was 2/3 empty!!! She wants something. ( I am NOT having another baby, no way. )
  8. Business opportunity right there- " Speak Dutch like a native in 10 easy lessons".
  9. The point I was making though,Stevie,is that you changed your style just enough to keep the peace, and became a better poster because of it.
  10. Mrs. F. has finally got into Modern Family, so there's a lot more of this on chez Fist. Result!
  11. So, let's say Pardew took the job. Who would we replace him with, that could work under the same conditions and get the same/better results?
  12. My view, fwiw. A while ago I remember Stevie got a slapped wrist, he took it and changed/toned down the thing that was causing the problem. Leazes has numerous chances to do the same , and spurned them all. Putting him on ignore makes reading threads like trying to read one of these The place has bent over to give him the opportunity to pack it in, to it's detriment in attracting new members. The crack has also plummeted, a lot of regulars have either stopped posting, or do it far less often. So what if he is a "supporter", I can't think of one positive thing regarding NUFC he has posted since I signed up in 2008. My suggestion? 2 month suspension. See if there's any difference in crack/ new members etc. if he wants to come back after that , it's one strike and out. Maybe harsh , but something needs to be done because this place needs a shot in the arm.
  13. Keep up man Salty! http://www.toontastic.net/board/topic/32739-egypt-legalise-stiffies/page__view__findpost__p__1068883
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