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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Centre Parting' is the studio pundit on Fox Soccer.
  2. Having consulted my Monkey Runes, I can say with 100% certainty we will win 3-2 today. Cisse x2, Ba x1. (pelantie).
  3. Funny that 2J. I had one my 2-3 times yearly returns to my "youthful habits" last night. Walking back from my mates, about 10 minutes normally , took about 45 as I stared like a mong at the moon appreciated the wonders of the cosmos.
  4. Off for an unexpected night out. Wahey!
  5. Kid from Accrington… " Liverpool, who are they?"
  6. Carroll thought the ball was over, but you's know better than me.
  7. Carroll looking only mildly disappointed there.
  8. Andy Townsend speaks a lot but says absolutely nothing. Ever.
  9. You've answered your own question. " Die-hard Geordie".
  10. Bad tone to be talking about football and heartbeats Andy.
  11. I resolve never To make resolutions. Damn!
  12. Like taking sweeties from a baby eh? That's terrible.
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