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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Classy The place is overrun with bitter, twisted unemployable faux hardmen, driven so insane with jealousy at the fact they're not us that they sneak over at night and commit petty acts of vandalism. When they're not doing that, they're out on the rape, or taking pot shots at each other, or just plain racist. For all that they claim to love their little hovel, if they want a night out they all pile over here , quite shamelessly. Their entire existence is built upon trying ( and failing) to get one over on us. And that's just the players.
  2. What on earth was he thinking? The bloke turns everything he touches to shit. If him and Paltrow made a sex tape it'd be 3hrs of them fully clothed telling each other how much they loved one another, with him nipping off cam for a quick hand shandy at the end. When I become Supreme Ruler of the Multiverse, my first action will be to vaporise every Coldplay fan on the planet.
  3. The difference between us and them- Stokoeshop was mentioned and linked to on many other clubs boards and even in articles, because it was pisstaking on a sublimely brilliant level. It never once criticised Bob Stokoe himself. Their digs at SBR's statue are just mean spirited and downright nasty , with very little humour. Its not the best statue it could have been, I'll admit, but it's far from their comedy paedo effort.
  4. She's a bit tidy , the singer. Same cant be said of Alabama Shakes, on the same show, decent sound though. Well , decent for a band made up of celebrity lookalikes… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKcmFM-hROY&feature=youtube_gdata_player Singer is Matt Lucas in drag Drummer is Scott Parker Keyboards David Tennant as Dr. Who Bassist Jack Black
  5. TS- That's as long as the Martin O'Neill revolution doesn't steamroller every fucker aside on their unstoppable march to the title. Oh… wait.
  6. What? Me? … Er… course not. Nice weather we've been having today.
  7. I'll send her a pic if she needs one to copy.
  8. Have you checked the mirror yet, made sure your lass hasn't drawn a big cock on your extended forehead?
  9. Is that apology directed at us or your daughter?
  10. Film night chez Fist. My choice- Senna Mrs. F. - The Hangover. Seen neither so looking forward to it. Chinese is ordered.
  11. Reckon we'll be able to see the rivets Parky
  12. The MON revolution is gathering steam.
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