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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. http://www.isthatcherdeadyet.co.uk/
  2. Oh please God, let it have been long and painful.
  3. To this day I still hold a grudge about that. That bald twat Graveson wasn't it, nearly snapped Bernard in two.
  4. You've been programmed to say that Ewerk though.
  5. Didn't we become brief specialists at scoring in the last 20minutes of the game, about then?
  6. Singer's had some life experiences, mind.
  7. Does this mean next time I'm hungover I can "Clear Cache and Cookies"?
  8. Cheers mate. I'll check them out. Desperate for some new music
  9. Last time CT Shook his Tail Feather the Pacific went on tsunami alert.
  10. Nice! Only just came across them , you got any of their albums?
  11. D'you think they rigged the van with a big one of these?
  12. Late developer? I was 12 in 1980 , and I thought most of the 80s stuff was utter gash. Wake me up before you go go, FFS!
  13. Tis. Would be much improved by switching his microphone off mind. Huey Morgan does a good show on Sunday afternoons.
  14. Wykikitoon hasn't seen this thread yet, has he?
  15. If I think the person can help, I'll ask. If not, try to work it out myself.
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