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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Nah, this is just from the endless reruns on C4+.
  2. 11 pages and counting of grown Morlocks getting boners over the prospect of bricking our incoming/outgoing coaches. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/80-coaches-in-a-long-row-slowly-driving-along-towards-the-sol-full-of-mags.1622174/
  3. Well, here’s yet another sitting/standing debate.
  4. He’d have been perfect for them too- ginger as fuck, with two thumbs and eight fingers on one hand.
  5. I’ve said it before, but it must be a miserable existence being a mackem- your rivals are are looking at success for generations, your not-even-signed-yet manager is shite, your billionaire owner puts the blockers on your efforts in Microsoft Paint, and your extra toe has just worn a hole in your Classic Diadoras. Giddup!
  6. Having seen it, I don’t think the decision not to allow it had anything to do with its anti-Saudi content. “ Nah, not having that, it looks shit”
  7. Certainly didn’t keep the doctor away.
  8. Doesn’t want to alienate a customer, does he? The grain for the bread and water they feed all the prisoners in Saudi jails, before murdering them, has to come from somewhere …
  9. Season Ticket is four consecutive syllables- they’d only get confused.
  10. He’s got to do something to earn his pocket money.
  11. Hang on- has he got a manual or automatic- if the latter, just kick his left knee in, if it’s manual, we need a rethink
  12. Well.… kick his fucking knees in then.
  13. Which brings me to… Do I win £5?
  14. You and the chauffeur can get in on a twofer mate.
  15. Remember where you saw it first. Thanks for reading my post.
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