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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Interval- The fun started before we even ate. Some fuckwit crashed into our taxi on New Bridge St Roundabout. Unbelievable! Everyone is fine btw. Show is excellent.
  2. Dried out, three S's done, heading out with Mrs. F. to Panis then Derren Brown at Theatre Royal. Living the high life!
  3. Pleased Woy goy the job , primarily because it was a royal " fuck you" to 'Arry. I'd agree with those who say he's one of the better appointments of recent times. I'll be watching , but not arsed in the least if we go out. ( Unless we get to the final of course, when I will be John Bull personified- remember Greece in 2004!!)
  4. Contradiction in terms that.
  5. Seems we have a muscle left over from when we walked on all fours, as well as other weird shit. https://notes.utk.edu/bio/greenberg.nsf/0/0765bb50d404455385256f0000680854
  6. The coccyx/ arse bone. It's only purpose is to hurt like fuck when you break it.
  7. "Mr. President, you lost because of your stance on gay marriage" Barry-" Bummer!" I've already got me coat on , as it happens.
  8. Moist. Piss wet through , and also had migrating bollock syndrome today- as soon as your weight comes onto your harness, one/both bollocks decide to place themselves underneath your leg loops. Not good.
  9. As of the start of tinterweb porn, lady pubes.
  10. Don't we have nipples because every foetus starts out as female? Obviously the better specimens grow a pair
  11. It was for digesting cellulose I think.
  12. I was going to say CT's cock, but I'd sound a little bit of a dick.
  13. Your Dad J69 I like the cut of his Jib
  14. We have never , in the PL, won away on the last day. Time to change that
  15. "I be living like a rockstar" Proof it's all a big joke??
  16. Not celebrating, REJOICING!! J69 speaketh the truth.
  17. This is getting printed and framed.
  18. Take it out through the medium of sketching !
  19. I'm 43. I remember worrying about a job when I left school, my family felt the effects of her policies directly, and as Parky says, the effects went on for decades.
  20. *inter* Good effort though Tory Boy. Will you mourn it's passing?
  21. Bugger me, I'd totally forgotten Rooney played that match It was a fucking disgraceful tackle, didn't get a ban either did he? Tried to find it in YouTube but no joy.
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