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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Went off the boil , but seems to have hit form again…
  2. Another had a mackerel "inserted " whilst on a stag do in Rotterdam… by a stranger whilst unconscious. These are not things I'd be telling my wife, never mind a theatre full of strangers.
  3. I'd heard he owed millions to the casinos from gambling. Dieing is a pretty extreme way to clairol you debts though.
  4. Has he left an hair, or did he have no kids?
  5. With missiles made in China.
  6. In the full reply box , there's an icon of a picture , click this and paste the URL of the image. (if they're your own pics, you'll need to upload them to an image hosting site first, like Photobucket or Imageshack)
  7. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2142102/Graeme-Souness-return-Rangers.html Fuck me! Way to kick a dog when it's down.
  8. I really enjoyed it. He was much funnier live than he sometimes appears on tv. I know he's asked not to say anything about it, but it's giving nowt away to say the "Celebrity Portrait" and " Final numbers " tricks were my favourites. There was also a bus stop masturbator outed in the confessions trick
  9. Precisely. The same Tory tits who bemoan the "benefits culture" conveniently forget that it was their Great Leader who created it in the first place! Stagnation/selling of council housing stock, mass unemployment and destruction of manufacturing industries, wholesale destruction and demoralisation of entire communities all lead to it. The housing issue , in my view, was a huge factor in creating the "underclass" we have today , who will live out their entire lives on state benefits.
  10. I don't want to fall out Fish, but parting is such sweet sorrow.
  11. Well, if you're going to split hairs about it
  12. I'm curious CT, have always been a class Quisling, or is it just a recent thing?
  13. She not dead yet then? Booo!
  14. Service was as I've always found it- fast and friendly. It was packed , we had a drink brought straight away, our food was ready within 10 minutes of ordering.
  15. His estate has just been announced. Had a bob or two.
  16. Monkeys Fist


    I tried to persuade Mrs. F. into it but my argument was full of holes.
  17. Panis- had the Fregula Paella, lush.
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