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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. What was she thinking? Fingerless gloves??
  2. Odd thing for them to get upset about-Can't be that many gay Azerbaijani hackers.
  3. Monkeys Fist


    Hugh Jass from Wideopen.
  4. Sounds more like Kevin than he does.
  5. Daglish has left Liverpool fucked for a good few seasons. If they take the Experienced Manager route, he'll be expected to win a trophy/get into Europe next season, which , given theirr squad ,is a big task. If they go for someone like Martinez, it'll take at least 2-3 seasons to build a new team good enough to achieve anything, and I doubt very much if the loveable scallys will be prepared to give him/whoever that time.
  6. You both have a lot in common man Brock. Shit Geordie Accents Dreamy in the kitchen. 1 out of 2 isn't bad
  7. He's beefed up considerably too, from the gangly lop he was 10 yr ago.
  8. You sound like Daniel Craig in Our Friends In The North when you sing.
  9. A fortnight is fair warning for the residents of Boldon. "This is a CT alert. This is a CT alert The tubby one is pissed in his garden THIS IS NOT A DRILL REPEAT- THIS IS NOT A DRILL Please prepare yourself. "
  10. Inspired by Love the Bobby's sig, I'm having a Lindisfarne moment or two
  11. Let's do a duet CT. Tush , ZZ Top. Edit; D'oh! Meant La Grange! That's the whiskey
  12. And through it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall she offers me protection An that
  13. Gewse, feeeul, boowe. What do you put on your chips?
  14. Monkeys Fist


    " Hello this is Santander. Broadsword calling Danny Boy. Badger Badger Mushroom" Something along those lines ?
  15. If you can make him out over the deep grumbling roar of the CLS Hog. Or the bippety bip of 20 pinball tables at once.
  16. Short tempered then, was he? When asked about him , his doctor said " I have little patience"
  17. Bound to happen, he was in poor elf.
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