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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Aye, catch yerself on , and other colloquialisms.
  2. They use Enchanted Bloom in hospitals then? Who knew.
  3. Had a "Bob and Terry" moment last night. Mrs. F. wanted to take the kids , nieces and nephews to the Late Shows around the City centre last night- the museums and gallery's stayed open til midnight , with events, bars and food on etc. I figured, it'll be full of arty types, hipster cunts and the like, I'll be safe recording the CL final and watching it " live" later without worrying about anyone blowing the result for me. Sure enough, I'd guessed right, the Hancock was rammed with trilbys and skinny jeans ( moment of the night came from my little 'un. He was running around the dinosaur section, being a T-Rex, and ran straight into a bloke in his 40s , fully kitted out in pork pie hat, skinny jeans and tie, Fist Jr had his hands up as he was running, and gave this hipster a two handed slap in the bollocks. My lad looked momentarily confused, then T-Rexxed off as if nothing had happened. The bloke was on the floor, gasping. I was sooo proud ) Anyway, got home about 10.30, not knowing the result, got the kids to bed etc, and turned the telly on… … straight onto the news, as it showed Chelsea lifting the cup. Double bastard!!
  4. The two exist(ed) in utterly different worlds. Imagine those two in the same dressing room- Jackie gets the bus in, gets changed , and goes out and plays a blinder in horizontal snow. Tevez goes on strike because Jackie got coal dust on his diamond encrusted shoes.
  5. I'd fold the business, because giving it back to either of those two Cath-words would have the same effect.
  6. Jackie-" You'll play up the side of a mountain , and enjoy it"
  7. Hoy some prawns in- no one will know.
  8. Only time I drink tea is when I have Fish and Chips.
  9. His cremation didn't go too well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uecLHrJHLo&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  10. Been pissing myself at the Micks so much Mrs. F. asked me what I was laughing at, so I showed her the pics. I wish I'd had a cam to record her reaction- she knows them through her work. (She works in bamp housing over there, and deals with the problem family's.) She even recognised Uncal Mick's yellow quilted jacket.
  11. Trophyshy : That lassie got glassed, and no cunt leaves here till we find out what cunt did it. Man: Coffee darling? Trophyshy: Yeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! [kicks him in the crotch]
  12. It's a throwback to my stoner days abroad. I'm like bullet time until my first draft of the day.
  13. I would try, but then I'd have to scrub my throat with bleach
  14. Coffee 5-10 a day Tea. Ringtons can still run a successful tea delivery business up here.
  15. The last 30 seconds when he does Star Spangled Banner
  16. It's frightening the amount of young fat cunts around. No apologies for my terminology, you get that fat by eating too much.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L77R2eJ279k&feature=youtube_gdata_player Shatnered!
  18. No shortage of places to hang a hat in Chapel
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