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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. The difference between right and wrong
  2. Almost like he's been here before
  3. Happy to give you another crumb of the attention you crave. No thanks needed.
  4. Seems odd though, you make argument that The Orbit is privately funded. Mostly it is, but when I point out that it has received public money, you're not wrong but I'm a simpleton. Odd.
  5. Welcome to the board.
  6. I didnt claim anything there Spunky. Just pointing out a fact. For a massively intelligent bloke Such as yourself, you'd do well to get yours right before you go calling people simpletons. You massive cunt.
  7. No! Nonononono nonono no no!
  8. Bizarrely, someone on my FB has just posted a pic of themselves at the above joint, sat at a table with some bird in a bridal gown.
  9. Aye, fair enough I suppose. You might want to strap yourself down to keep from slipping off your seat for this one.
  10. Ok, serious then. I know I'll get mullered for this, but since seeing this pic on here, I've had a crush on Gemmill
  11. He won't have seen it anyway - otherwise cockuppied at the minute I'd say.
  12. He'd be walking like John Wayne once I'd done with him.
  13. Thats what a diet of rats and chicken foetus' does to a kid.
  14. Abuse she says! Did I post bloke pics in a Thread clearly titled " Minge"? No , I did not. Cock in here , minge over there, capiche? Bada bing etc
  15. He's just realised his Mam slathered Piz Buin on him before the match.
  16. On my phone, fingers like pigs tits so the posts may be jumbled. Sorry womens.
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