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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Loyalty is blind http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-SGCxRUtXM&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  2. Good shout TR. Although most of the remembrance , understandably, is for those who died ( in Normandy and on Slapton sands) , I personally doff my cap to every single one of the men and women who took part. What amazes me is that they went through something as horrific and brutal as this , and when the war was over , most just went back home and carried on with their lives. That's not to say that many weren't mentally scarred by it, but the general impression is that they dusted themselves down and went back to being butchers, bakers, shipbuilders etc. Having said that,I watched an incredibly moving documentary the other day about a German machine gunner, it was calculated that he'd killed over 800 (i think)men on the day of the landings, something which haunted him. He managed to track down one the US servicemen who'd landed on his patch of beach and survived. The US guy had become a military chaplain and then a civvy vicar. The programme makers , clearly wanting the money shot, reunited them , in their eighties, back on the beach. Not unexpectedly the German broke down in the arms of his former target. Still very moving.
  3. Just a reminder amidst all the Jubilee crap that 68 years ago today the Normandy Landings took place , where a huge number of people gave more for their country than Lizzy.
  4. Touchy subject on here , past regimes.
  5. Monkeys Fist

    Moving house

    Anyone got any recommendations for removal firms / van hire places. Mate of mine is moving in a few weeks.
  6. Isn't he the cross dresser? That'll go down a storm in Classville.
  7. As Wums go, he's best Ba none
  8. What a bounder! Speaking of traitors , found this article on the BFC, an SS unit made up of turncoat British POWs. Note the Union flag on his right arm http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1259632/Hitlers-British-SS-Chilling-pictures-traitors-joined-Fuhrers-evil-unit--Union-Flag-sleeve.html
  9. Guess who's daughter this is ? Here's the Daddy
  10. KSA has blown his cover here- you're Leigh Francis aren't you?
  11. " Where yuh going?" Just held it together there!
  12. I heard Elton John and McCartney , both of them should be taken aside and made to listen to themselves. They were beyond awful man!
  13. Jeesus! Come downstairs for a brew, Elton John. He can't sing anymore can he?
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