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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Monkeys Fist


    Toolbag still at the bottom of the pool is it? I know why Wolfy here has his doubts. In all the "fake" footage , the earths curvature is easy to spot. Wolfy is clearly a Flat Earther.
  2. Yes, she does. ( turn the labels the "right" way )
  3. Aye, mine too. Says its because you don't know who has had their hands on the stuff at the front. Whereas the stuff at the back just arrived on the shelf by magic, untouched by filthy humans.
  4. Trigamist. Mrs. F. goes all slack jawed in the cleaning product section. I've seen her take 5 minutes choosing bleach - It doesn't fucking matter, you only pour it down the bog! She never takes the tin/ packet/ bottle at the front of the shelf either- must be from the back.
  5. Watching my mrs. shop is a lesson in OCD. They changed all the aisles recently and I thought she was going to erupt! And aye, if she goes on her own it's a cake/biscuit/chocolate extravaganza, which means I have to go in a day it two and do it properly.
  6. I once had a lamb that thought it was a cat- she pherd.
  7. The shear cheek of you! You're always ramming puns down our neck …chops. Agneau I sound peeved, but gigot to such lengths deserves the strongest response.
  8. Kit man gets paid in sides of mutton.
  9. Aye, all the best to your nipper too. My laddy was 2 on Monday. Pooligan.
  10. You looked it up though, didn't you
  11. Happy Birthday chaps. Here's some fine Birthday Bewbs. NSFW-ish
  12. On a serious note CT, a recent paper in the Lancet showed that men over 40 who's job involves sitting for extended periods are particularly susceptible to embiggened barse glands, which if untreated can become cromulent. I'd get yourself checked next time you're at the docs.
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