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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. If I think the Mrs. needs a burst of adrenaline, I call her Wench. Works every time
  2. Monkeys Fist


    This thread has disappeared up its own Grexit.
  3. Happy Birthday mate. Hope Engerland give you a nice present
  4. Having said that, if you can't fix it with Duct tape, you can't fix it. This is a fact, like wot Wolfy uses.
  5. Ale, welsh, 5am start this morning, and shit speakers all combine to confuse this ape.
  6. I'm in Newport in Wales, sitting in a bar with both matches on , screens side by side. Heads spinning already.
  7. Monkeys Fist


    I fucking loath that programme btw. Made by wankers, for wankers,starring wankers, watched by wankers.
  8. By this stage of the relay, they're desperate for scag and cheap whores.
  9. At the bottom of his non-existant pool?
  10. Maybe a stray satellite landed on him then. Dead anyway
  11. Found dead at the bottom of his pool. Aged 47. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-18478979
  12. They're not daft these Torch fellas
  13. CT's chinos don't have pleats at the waist
  14. Not enough, you'll need to prove yourself.
  15. Aye, the Karma Police will be all over this tread. I Promise. Too late now to get out of This Mess We're In.
  16. What colour then, Thunder Gunt?
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