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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Whatever you do CT, don't go outside. The tsunami will finish us.
  2. Vialli and Peacock would be baldy beardy overload.
  3. Mrs. F. walked from Heworth to Gateshead High St, got a bus over the bridge then walked to Haymarket. Another bus took an hour to get to Matthew Bank, where she got off and started walking. She rang me from Four Lane Ends, and I've got her sis to go pick her up. Mental.
  4. What you worried about. It'll only be up to your ankles. Cue CT posting that pic.
  5. Panic over. Mrs. F. has made it to M&S in town.… she'll be fine.
  6. I'm a little worried for Mrs. F. She's started walking from Heworth, we live in Forest Hall. I'm stuck in fucking Aberdeen too.
  7. I have normal windows, but I deal drugs.
  8. Is that a " Caution. Wet Floor" sign?
  9. Have they tried switching it off then back on again?
  10. Excellent. The West stand there , that's the same one that would've been there when I went as a kid in 1974 aye? Painted blue by then.
  11. 15,000 recently discovered aerial photographs of Britain , taken between 1919-1953 have been put on this site http://www.britainfromabove.org.uk/ Including this gem from 1928, showing the Tyne Bridge in its final stages of construction. Quayside on the left, The Heed on the right.
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