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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Jocks to sponging immigrant (probable) terrorists without skipping a beat. Well done Old Chap, well done!
  2. Monkeys Fist


    That will be one spectacular mother of a crash when it all goes wrong.
  3. Not that many French burglars who say " Gerrinthereyafucka!" when they blow a load though.
  4. One bad hangover later, and Chez has to explain why he was wanking like a tripping chimp on a video call to his gaffer.
  5. Fold crease, lift flap, turn over, pull apart. Then do some origami.
  6. Come on over Love. Brock, chill, you know that Gemmill will be wolfing down lentils within the week since I posted a " Jamie " recipe.
  7. This doesn't bode well… get all the BJ's you can in the next two weeks.
  8. The lad I run my business with is Scotch, I work up there a fair bit. I think it's fair to say that generally they regard Geordies as non-English , but the Anti English sentiment is never hard to find if you want too. I make a point of saying to him " Yessss! Back in Gods Country!" every time we cross back into Northumberland , but that's because I'm a cunt.
  9. As well as the aforementioned Tramp Barbie, my lassie got a silver sequin covered baseball cap, a pink heart handbag, and a pink scooter. Beat that fishboy!
  10. Cabaye hones his wrangling skills to cope with Shola's errant member in the locker room, oblivious to the fact he is being covertly observed by a curious alien, buried neck deep in its observation post. Just another day at NUFC.
  11. Your guru says not. http://m.jamieoliver.com/recipes/pork-recipes/sausages-green-lentils-with-tomato-s He does recommend you eat them whilst sporting socks and sandals and elbow patches though.
  12. Puy lentils are the fucking dogs bollocks. With chicken or lamb, cold in a salad, and they make your knob bigger.
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