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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I'd have him back, so long as the dippers paid half his wedge.
  2. Let's be fucking honest here Leazes. When you created this thread, you will have known exactly how it would end. And , oh look, it has. A large section has already been shifted to your own " special" thread (FFS), however, when it comes to euthanasia , I'm pro-choice. * cue " wounded innocence".
  3. Yours invariably sinks. That's physics for you.
  4. My Nana used to say " Whey ya bugger afloat!" when surprised. Again, insane.
  5. All the mods are pussys.
  6. She's from Walker mate. Hen's teeth I've heard before. When I was a chef we'd always get the new lads to put in an order from the butcher for prime chicken lips You Border folk have some strange ones, along with a " quaint" accent, although I'd guess it's one of the few dialects where Old English sayings and phrases can still be heard. Still a bunch of sheep fiends mind
  7. My mother in law has a couple of poultry-themed sayings which I've never heard anyone else use. " White hen's chick never lays away from home" which she uses in he context of 'butter wouldn't melt' and " A hen could eat oats through it" if she sees a 'strumpet' wearing something flimsy or revealing. She has never kept chickens, and is certifiably insane.
  8. When I worked up at Kielder, the locals would say " the next again day" instead of tomorrow. Sheep botherers.
  9. Sex in Saham - how coal is delivered. ©Bobby Thompson
  10. That fucker over the road from you with the fat arsed wife. Don't forget him.
  11. Is Saham how the posh folk say Seaham? Lah di dah!
  12. Used to be a cracking brothel at the top of Westgate Rd. My Dad was born and bred in Washington, Mother born in Blackhall Mill, moved to Longbenton aged about 8. I was born in Dryburn , Durham , but we moved back to Longbenton when I was 6 months old. Grew up there and Killy. I have never thought of myself as anything other than a Geordie. * Stevie loading up the Mackem gun as I type
  13. Yours is a cut, mines hormones.
  14. Tell me I'm gorgeous first
  15. Aye, that's the one. Decent ale. Btw, you might want to look at your settings on your Facebook page if you don't want randoms ogling your pics
  16. Is that the Sam Smith's pub, next to the Big Wheel?
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