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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. It was a fucking mess last time I went in. Didn't finish my pint, it was terrible.
  2. You mean the house right next door to it? Noted.
  3. Last seen working as a Chugger for Sir Bobby's Foundation on Shields Road. Didn't go well
  4. I'll sell you one for £35 million.
  5. " After successfully navigating over 10km of flooded virgin passages under the jungles of Nicaragua , Andy liked nothing better than to return home and beat the shit out his lass. "
  6. Owned by Arabs- that'll send someone on here into bacon meltdown
  7. Shite with sugar on. Cheers Ma Fist.
  8. Reminds me of the schoolyard joke about the Oomigoolys bird.
  9. He does cave diving?? Hats off, takes balls that.
  10. I'm 99% certain it was linked to on here. I'd hunt back for it, but I really can't be arsed, and my Chicken Tikka Saag is just about ready to demolish
  11. Oh Johnny ! Didn't Llamearse let slip they'd been negotiating for a week or so with Dippersville , proving the lies they trotted out blaming Carroll for wanting away?
  12. "Here man, what's this??? Ravioli comes in a fuckin tin ya dafty!"
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